Barzakh | Baqa | Bhanwar | Beej-Dagdh | Bhagavan | Bhagavata | Bhagya | Bhajana | Bhakta | Bhakti | Bhandar | Bharosa | Bhavana | Bhoga | Bhuma | Bhutadi | Brahmacharya | Brahm(an) | Brahmand | Brahmagati | Buddhi |
Intermediary condition between a condition in a particular knot and
another. This is a state when the aspirant may feel that the progress is
stagnant. The crossing is difficult without the help of one' s Master/
State of mergence in a spiritual condition. This happens at different
levels during the spiritual journey.
Whirlpool. It is another name for Kshoba with the difference this word is
used to describe the Original Stir as a dynamic entity.
A very high spiritual state where the aspirant feels as a living - dead
while still having the body. One in this condition feels freedom from the effect
of materiality in which the person is deeply engrossed
The Divine Godhead: one who has the six auspicious attributes of
Aisvarya, viryam, jnana, balam, sakti and tejas.
A devotee of Bhagavan who gains these characteristic attributes by His
grace, or rather he who worships these ideal attributes as the essence of beauty
One' s luck.
The devotional meditation on the glorious attributes of God. Many use
singing and dancing also during bhajana.
A person devoted to God and is loved by God.
Devotion or love of God. Bhakti yoga is the means used for attaining
union with God through devotional love. Love of God is for attainment of God,
not for anything else. Liberation or moksa occurs through this path most easily.
The Bhagavad Gita states that through Bhakti alone one knows, sees and enters
into God.
The store house which covers the entire Godly sphere including the Centre
and the invisible motion. This is a whole where every particle has the same
properties of the whole.
Dependence. In spirituality the faith or dependence on Master/God means
that no time there is anyone else than Him to protect him. A condition of
confidence that develops in the Master/God at the stage of Surrender.
Imaginative attitude. Feeling. Bhakti has been expressed with several
bhavas like, motherly, fatherly, fraternally, belovedly etc.,
Enjoyment or usually pleasurable experience. But it also means that it is
that experience which results from past activities which are awaiting one' s
experiencing. They may be pleasurable or painful. It not only means the
undergoing of the effect of past doings but also to the undergoing of the effect
of the net work one has got entangled in.
The Vast; this is the experience of the Ultimate Plane of Being (bhumi).
This is a special upasana or meditation on the Ultimate mentioned in the
Upanishads. (Ch. Up. V.) After crossing the seven rings of splendour of the
central region and after thoroughly merging in Brahm one gets in close touch
with Bhuma or Ultimate or God in His Absolute state.
The cause of the Bhutas or elements- Or elements etc.
This is one of the Yamas( mandatory observance)prescribed for control of body and mind in Yoga. This means continence. It also means one who seeks Brahman experience
alone to the exclusion of all others. Other Yamas are Satya( Truth speaking), Ahimsa ( Non Injury to others), Asteya( Non covetousness) and Aparigraha.
The Creator. The Brahman is a thinking and growing being while Atman is
thinking and moving self.
Cosmos ruled by Brahma. There can be many such cosmoses.
State of the Divine. This is experienced as a changeless condition by the
Aspirant. This experience in felt at the occipital prominence.
The category of intellect which reflects the reality to the soul. From
buddhi are said to arise the ahamkara and manas, and the senses and motor organs
as well as the subtle elements and the gross ones. There are variations.
However, in Yoga practice, Buddhi is to be purified or made sattvika. Sometimes
it is used synonymously with Manas. Manas is then said to be the First Mind of
God. The Gita emphasises the necessity to train the Buddhi to devotion of God