IMPERIENCE           SSS           


Daily Inspiration

Peerless Pearls


Samavarti (Lalaji era)


01-Samavarti-150 14-Jan-2022

Our first and the foremost commandment relates to the proper observance of Sandhya and Upasana. By following it we begin to draw in power which we have finally to attain due course.

BWS 130
02-Samavarti-150 15-Jan-2022

There must be yielding attitude towards the master.

SDG 49
03-Samavarti-150 16-Jan-2022

If we make our heart the target of masterly force we begin to expand inside, with the result that in the long run we find ourselves stretching throughout the Godly empire.

BWS 101
04-Samavarti-150 17-Jan-2022

We proceed with meditation on the heart thinking of the Divine Light within, and by so doing we gradually begin to rise or to express it better, to dive deep into the inner consciousness.

SDG 59
05-Samavarti-150 18-Jan-2022

Meditation really means that the mind may be accustomed to the centre itself instead of wandering elsewhere. Meditation on heart is prescribed for that purpose.

SDG 49
06-Samavarti-150 19-Jan-2022

Please think only that Godly light within is attracting you.

SS 135
07-Samavarti-150 20-Jan-2022

When we meditate, the central power we have remains in force.

BWS 44
08-Samavarti-150 21-Jan-2022

It is at this point (Heart) that the connecting link between the animate and the inanimate is most clearly felt.

BWS 306
09-Samavarti-150 22-Jan-2022 Constant growth of lightness of mind and spirit is the surest test of spiritual progress BWS 241
10-Samavarti-150 23-Jan-2022

If we try to retain the effect gained by meditation for the most part of the day, and abide in the same state for as long as we can, we are in a way in constant remembrance of God and our progress is easy and rapid.

SS 307
11-Samavarti-150 24-Jan-2022

The mind, which in its primordial state was absolutely pure and regulated has now been spoiled and polluted by our wrong ways and doings.

SDG 19
12-Samavarti-150 25-Jan-2022

When his (Man's) downward tendency is checked, the thought of reaching the Origin automatically revives in his heart.

BWS 131
13-Samavarti-150 26-Jan-2022

The grace of my Master Supreme has enabled us again to assemble here and feel the cozy warmth of the sunshine of His everlasting benignance.

SDG 35
14-Samavarti-150 27-Jan-2022

Complications also arise by the effect of our wrong thinking and practice, which we have to clear off through the process of cleaning.

SDG 98
15-Samavarti-150 28-Jan-2022

It (the process of cleaning) will help you in purging your mind and make you receptive of the efficacious influence of our great Master.

SS 136
16-Samavarti-150 29-Jan-2022

The density of the thought can only be removed if we take to the subtle method.

SDG 62
17-Samavarti-150 30-Jan-2022

While meditating, if you secure even a temporary lull, that means you have gone a step further on the path.

SDG 161
18-Samavarti-150 31-Jan-2022

Our Great Master has boldly asserted that one can, for sure, attain liberation in this very life, nay, even in a part of it, provided one is really earnest about it and has the fortune of having a proper guide.

SDG 71
19-Samavarti-150 01-Feb-2022

When you acquire a state of permanency in your meditation, touching the innermost plane, the idea of the Ultimate or God becomes quite near you.

SDG 161
20-Samavarti-150 02-Feb-2022

Now since times are changing, as I have hinted at in 'Efficacy of Raj Yoga', only such means as introduced by our Revered Master Mahatma Ram Chandraji shall be in vogue throughout the world.

SDG 84
21-Samavarti-150 03-Feb-2022 You should only meditate. You should not struggle with the ideas and thoughts which generally come in during meditation. SS 136
22-Samavarti-150 04-Feb-2022 Meditation only at a certain fixed hour is not enough, for we are thus in touch with the sacred thought only for a while after which we have no idea of God whatsoever and are for most part of the day away from the path of service and devotion. BWS 254
23-Samavarti-150 05-Feb-2022 One must be regular in the abhyas. If interest in meditation is created, half the work is done. SS 21
24-Samavarti-150 06-Feb-2022

The knowledge of the Divine is a science.

SDG 84
25-Samavarti-150 07-Feb-2022

'I' consciousness remains far and near, and it disappears also, if we do our abhyas devotedly.

SDG 161
26-Samavarti-150 08-Feb-2022

"Awake, O sleepers, it's the hour of the dawn".

SDG 164
27-Samavarti-150 09-Feb-2022

By meditation we create a temporary lull in our mind and calmness prevails for the time during which we are in touch with the divine force.

BWS 254
28-Samavarti-150 10-Feb-2022

The external ways adopted for the purpose (attainment of purity) began to cast their effect upon the mind and thus the internal purity too began to develop.

BWS 129
29-Samavarti-150 11-Feb-2022

Purity starts from being and impurities are the result of the wrong suggestions and improper utilization of the inner environment.

SDG 31
30-Samavarti-150 12-Feb-2022

The divine experiences are the perceptions of the conditions relating to Divinity.

SDG 27
31-Samavarti-150 13-Feb-2022

When his (Man's) downward tendency is checked, the thought of reaching the Origin automatically revives in his heart.

BWS 131