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Daily Inspiration




Abhyasa  |   Abhyasi  |   Abhava  |   Abhaya  |   Absolute  |   Abudiyat  |   Abdal  |   Achara  |   Acharya  |   Achit  |   Aadhyatmika  |   Aadi-bhautika  |   Aadi-daivika  |   Aagama  |   Agni  |   Aham  |   Ahamkara  |   Aitaqad  |   Ajapa  |   Ajna  |   Ajnana dasa  |   Aisvarya  |   Akincana  |   Aksi  |   Akshobha  |   Amanska  |   Alam Kabir  |   Almighty  |   Amrtatvam  |   Anahata  |   Ananta  |   Anahad  |   Antar-yaami  |   Aparigraha  |   Apta  |   Asan/ Asana  |   Asbat  |   Ashrama  |   Atman  |   Aum/ Om  |   Avadhuta  |   Avyaktagati  |  

Practice of prescribed methods of a particular system which leads to the development of spiritual attitude towards life, that leads finally to a state of consciousness described as realisation.
A person who practices a system of meditation or yoga.
Nothingness: a state of existence before expression.
Protection generally by a Divine Force.
The term used to denote the state of being that is the base of all expressions. It is also called as Ultimate, Void, Nothingness or Brahman. The awareness of this Absolute is considered as Realisation by some.
A state of subduedness.
Divine Order that obtains in Nature. Called Rta in Vedic terminology. The critical balance between the positive and negative forces in Nature maintains this.
The particular practice which help the attainment of yogic union.
The teacher who has practiced the means and attained the status of teaching the method to others and training them.
Non-conscient being
Pertaining to atma, self, or senses.
Pertaining to the bhutas, or Nature, or animals.
Pertaining to God or Gods.
That written or verbal instruction which has been received from hoary past. It is that ancient literature known as Sruti, Agamas and Tantras. The Vedas are also called as Aagama, but they are more properly classified as Nigama.
Fire. God of Fire. Vedas know of five fires Pancagni. All the elements have Agni as a component.Pancagni Vidya is the science of the Five Fires. In Yoga these Agnis and their sounds are located in the chest region.
Egoism. The awareness of the Self. More particularly the awareness and feeling that actions are done by self and the self is the knower and enjoyer. Master considers that awareness by itself cannot be considered as Egoism so long it is true awareness. It becomes Egoism when falsehood or falsity is claimed to be true. Some consider that 'Will' represents this in the region of nature.
Faith or Conviction. Much emphasis is laid on the concept of Faith in spiritual life. The development and ripening of the same is the duty of the aspirant. However through Pranahuti a trainer also gives the suggestion of faith and the aspirant gains as much as he deserves.
Generally considered as Un-repeated Japa of mantra. Japa means repetition of mantra or the name of God or pranava (Om). Constant repetition is said to lead to the automatic repetition of this sound. Master holds such a Japa is gross and that it would cease if practice were stopped. He says that Ajapa is the supreme vibration that is felt in the heart when the aspirant practices the system aided by Pranahuti and a person is properly introduced or initiated by the Grace of the Guru.
Is the psychic chakra or wheel or lotus between the eyebrows. Reaching this knot is considered as necessary to come to the stage of no rebirth. This is the center from where the Divine energy gets distributed to the lower portion of the body known as Pind desh in yoga.
Ajnana dasa
One of the high conditions, which a yogi attains when going beyond the ordinary consciousness, as also the no body and no boundary consciousness. This is a condition where the aspirant has no conscious awareness of his condition including the yogic attainments, which he has merited and acquired. In this condition he acts as directed by the Divine/Godhead without exercising his own discriminative consciousness. This is the experience at the ninth knot as described in the book Towards Infinity of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj.
Abundant riches. One of the 6 qualities of God. The others are Sakti (power), Bala (strength), Virya, Jnana (Knowledge) Tejas. See Iswara also.
One who has nothing, no means or possessions or abilities. One in this condition is fit to surrender to God.
Reflected condition at a particular knot by the grace of Master
Without vibration. The primal condition of Reality beyond all creative movement and vibration.
Without the activity of mind or manas, or beyond its region.
Alam Kabir
God the most powerful.In the system of Yoga of Sri Ramchandra, the 'gentle waves of the calm in the region of Almighty begin to flow direct to the individual mind and so in the long run (one) becomes one with It.
Immortality, deathlessness; State of Beatitude.
The chakra located in the chest region near the heart.
Infinity, endless, boundless.
When the condition of Ajapa matures and covers the entire region of Pind it is called Anahad or the music of spheres.
Non-acceptance of anything; this is one of the yamas along with satyam, ahimsa (non-injury), asteya (non-stealing), and brahmacharya (sexual restraint or continence).
Reliable, trustworthy, friendly person. Or one who has attained personal Experience of Truth.
Asan/ Asana
The yogic posture, which is fit for meditation.
This is the positive principle in Nature. While Nafee is the principle of ejection or elimination from the system, Asbat is the one of positive nature that compensates for the loss. By these twin processes the order in nature (Rta) or Abdal is maintained.
Stage of life. There are four Ashramas namely Brahmacharya (Seeking Brahma Vidya maintaining the strict code of Conduct), Grihastha (Married life of a house holder discharging his duties to the society and God), Vanaprasta (secluded life after handing over the responsibility of the house hold to the next generation and helping others only by way of advise when required) and Sanyasa (a Stage of renunciation after one has been widowed). Of these the Raja Yogis consider the Grihastha Ashrama as the most suited for spiritual life as contrasted to the Sanyasa Ashrama advocated by the Vedantins.
Self. Soul. That which thinks and moves as compared to Brahman that which thinks and grows.
Aum/ Om
The spiritual sound-symbolizing the Ultimate Integral vibration from which all other sounds have emanated. The first emanation from the Kshob.
One who has reached a condition of ecstasy, which makes him remain in that alone without moving to higher experience. One who has given up all controls.
A state of consciousness that can be defined as undifferentiated condition. This state is reached on crossing the Heart Region according to the system of Rajayoga of Sri Ramchandraji. This is not the final state in this system.