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Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol V


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1. "When we are out of Reality we become Satan"
Sri V. Sreekanth Reddy
Sri B.Narasimhulu
Sri M. Radhakrishna Murthy
Dr. K. Madhava
Sri N.V. Raghava Rao
Smt Bh.Devasena
Sri M.S.Balachander
Smt N.B.T. Sundari
Sri Raja Ratna Sai
Sri N.V.Viswanath
Sri A. JayaPrakash
Smt. I. Madhavi
Sri I. Chalapathi Rao.
Smt. Aruna Vangala
Sri Avadhani Vangala
Smt. Sudha C
2. "Suffering is the Root and Results are Flowers"
Sri. B.Narasimhulu
Sri. N.V. Madhava Rao
Sri. G.G.Kingi
Sri. N.V.Raghava Rao
Sri N.V.Viswanath.
Dr. S.V. Raghavan
Sri. V. Sreekanth Reddy
Dr. V. Krishna Yaji
Sri Puvvada Vittal
Smt Bh. Devasena
Dr. N.B.T. Sundari
Sri G. Ramachandra Murthy
Sri I.V. Chalapathi Rao
Sri M. Radhakrishna Murthy
Sri T.V. Rao
3. "This and that have gone now"
Dr.V. Krishna Yaji
Smt Bh.Devasena
Smt I .Madhavi
Smt Sudha.C
Sri B.Narasimhulu
Sri I.Chalapathi Rao
Sri M.RadhakrishnaMurthy
Sri M.S. Neelakandan
Sri Vidyadhar Joshi
4. "Love is the Inner Awakening to Reality"
Smt BH.Devasena
Dr.-V.Krishna Yaji
Smt. C. Sudha
Sri M.S.Balachander
Sri. B.Narasimhulu
Sri C.V.Koteswara Rao
Sri M. Radha Krishna Murthy,
Sri P. Vittal
5. "Divinity is a Play and Divine the Way"
Sri B. Narasimhulu
Dr. K. Madhava
Smt I.Madhavi
Sri. I.Chalapathi Rao
Sri M Radhakrishna Murthy
6. "Service is the only concern of the Serf"
Sri. Balachander
Sri. B. Narasimhulu.
Sri. Prabhakar Chintapalli
Sri. K.C.Satari
7. "Mind can be known by Mind & Divinity can be known by Divinity"
Sri. R. Bharat
Smt Bh.Devasena
DR. K. Madhava
Smt I.Madhavi
Sri. Prasad Tipparaju
8. "The demolition of the past is a chapter in Natural Path"
Dr. A.Subba Rao
Sri. Atul Mishra
Smt. Bh.Devasena.
Dr. S.V. Raghavan
Dr. V Krishna Yaji
Sri. J.M Sarma
Smt. J.R.Easwari
Sri. B. Narasimhulu
Sri. N.V. Madhava Rao
Sri. N.V.Viswanath
Sri.M Radha Krishna Murti
Sri. N V Raghava Rao
9. "The remembrance of everything should merge into the remembrance of one - the ultimate"
Sri. B.Narasimhulu
I. Chalapathi Rao
Dr. V Krishna Yaji
Sri. M Radhakrishna Murthy
Sri. B. Narasimhulu
10. 'We are and we are not’ as also ‘we are not and we are'
Dr. Madhava
Dr. S.V. Raghavan
Sri. M Radhakrishna Murthy
Smt. Bh. Devasena
11. "No doubt the world will be paradise, but for that we have to work very hard"
Dr. A. Subba Rao
Smt Bh Devasena
Sri I. Chalapathi Rao
Sri M. Radhakrishna Murthy
Sri M. S. Balchander
Sri. N.V. Madhava Rao
Sri N.V.Viswanath
12. "We should attempt the finite for the Infinite."
Sri B. Narasimhulu
Dr K Madhava
Smt BH.Devasena
Dr. V Krishna Yaji
13. "A Few are so born who confuse dhal for boiled rice and take great pleasure in this confusion"
Smt. Bh.Devasena
Dr. S.V. Raghavan
Sri R. Sharath
Sri Vidyadhar Joshi
Dr. K.Madhava
Sri. Prabhakar Chintapalli
Sri. I.Chalapathi Rao
Sri. J.M. Sarma
14. Whatever act you do, do it in the thought "It is the Divine’s command and therefore it is my duty to do so"
Smt. Bh. Devasena
Dr. Madhava
Smt. I. Madhavi
Sri. Radha Krishna Murthy
Sri. K.C. Srihari
15. "They are mostly dogmatic instead of Godmatic"
Sri. I. Chalapathi Rao
Sri. M. Radhakrishna Murti
16. "The difficulty arises when we remain held up by our own resourcefulness applied for our advancement"
Dr. V Krishna Yaji
Smt. I. Madhavi
Sri. M. Radha Krishna Murti
Sri. Vidyadhar Joshi
17. "The understanding comes when the seed at the bottom is fried up"
Smt. Dipti Joshi
Dr. A.Subba Rao
Sri. N V Raghava Rao
Sri K.C.Srihari
Sri. K.C. Satari
18. "Some are deluded by their own thinking and some are illumined by Divine Grace"
Dr. Krishna Yaji
Sri. M. Radhakrishna Murthy
Sri. Ravi Prasad
Sri. Ravi Yelluripati
Sri. Vivek Joshi
19. "Happiest man is he who is happy under all circumstances"
Sri. K.V.S. Murty
Sri. B. Narasimhulu
Sri. Atul Mishra
Smt. Bh. Devasena
Dr. K. Madhava
Sri J.M.Sarma
Smt J.R.Iswari
Sri Vidyadhar Joshi
Dr. S.V. Raghavan
Smt Shilpi Gaur
Sri Ravi Prasad
Sri. Madhava Rao
Sri. K.C. Srihari