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Seminar on "Suffering is the Root and Results are Flowers"

3. Sri. G.G.Kingi

Pujya. Babuji says ‘the basis of yoga has always been the right morals and proper behaviour’. He further says that if the way of life is not based on high morals, a person is not capable of having fine type of spirituality. All of us aim for such fine type of spirituality but do we pass the moral and proper behaviour tests. The question naturally arises as to what are the yardsticks of such high moral with which we can compare and assess ourselves. In this connection I wish to cite four examples from our ancient stories, which we have been hearing from our childhood. These may not be exact answers for our definition but can certainly give some idea about it. 1. Sow. Renuka, wife of Sage Jamadagni had once got a bad thought while she had gone for fetching water and as a result she could see the thought contamination effect on her water holding. This indicates her thought purity at other times. Let us ask ourselves whether do we stand anywhere near to her level of thought purity. How many times in a day we get bad thoughts and what do we do to avoid its recurrence. Yes, we do Pt. A meditation as advised by Po. Babuji but how serious are we in doing it; else the results should be seen to oneself sooner or later. 2. King Harishchandra is well known for speaking and abiding truth. We have also heard the type of sufferings he had undergone to keep his ‘prana’ (oath). Are we ready to undergo even a small fraction of it for the sake of truth. 3. Bhishma of Mahabharata had given a word (pratignya) to Dheeraj and he kept his word all the life. He did not budge a bit even after his mother Matsyagandha (Satyavati), the person for whom the word was given, asked him to reconsider it. How many promises we must have made in our life and how may do we remember. One such promise we have given to Po. Babuji that we will try our best in following his commandments. The worst part is that we still expect miracles to happen i.e. HE will give us spiritual progress without our effort. 4. Sattu Muni offers to give his meal plate to the ‘atithi’ even when he was about to eat after a long gap of time. Such balanced state of mind is difficult in such fasting condition. We loose our temper even if the meals are delayed for sometime; leave aside offering it to somebody else. Many such examples are available and I don’t want to go into them. Some such examples are also given in our “Game of Life”. The point here is that one should be able to do anything, just anything for the sake of reaching the accepted goal. In our case we have accepted the goal of life which Po. Babuji has told us. Po. Babuji further says “Freedom we want, but we do not know its definition”. He goes on to say, “suffering is the root and results are flowers. Unless we accept the sufferings, we cannot develop forbearance. Sufferings give us patience, help in developing self-control and increase our tolerance. Only when we undergo sufferings, we come to know the importance of the properties gained thereby, rather, we come to know about the importance of these properties acquired and imbibed by others after undergoing such pains. As Babuji puts it, ‘difficulties are the operation of Nature for our good”. HE gives sufferings to us for our benefit i.e. to develop some of the above-mentioned virtues. Not understanding this, we complain and try avoiding them. Is it not that HE is testing us every time and we fail? A beautiful sculpture is born only after the raw stone endures innumerable hits of the sculptor. If you permit me, I will say that Newton’s law viz. “To every action, there is equal and opposite reaction” comes true here also. Whenever you successfully undergo a suffering without any complaint, you are sure to have progressed to that extent. Let us all take an oath that we will take whatever comes to us in our life as a gift without any complaints.