Pranahuti or transmission of superfine thought is the most unique feature of the system of Rajayoga of Sri Ram Chandra. This is supposed to make the task of the aspirant easier. The Master says that without the help of Pranahuti it will be difficult, if not impossible, to reach higher stages of sadhana.
The word Pranahuti is derived from the words Prana and Ahuti. Ahuti is offering particularly in sacrifice during religious ceremonies. Prana means life or life force. The nature of Prana is expounded in the Vedic and Upanishad literature, particularly the Kaushitaki Upanishad (3-2) where it is stated Sahovaacha Praanosmi (He said I am Life) and Kena Upanishad (2) where it was stated as Praanasya Praanah (The Life of all lives) and Praanosmi Mam upaasva (Adore Me who am Life). Thus we find the nature of the Ultimate is of the nature of Prana. Prana is of the nature of pure thought and that is what makes human beings important in the scheme of Divinity in as much as he shares the nature of original stir in a way that no other being, animal or devas etc., is capable of is now fairly established. That human life has been regarded, as most fortunate is no new concept for any religion but the main reason why it is so, is what is established by Rev. Babuji.
Salient Points of Pranahuti
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