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Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 21st May, 1963

My dear Varadachari,

Thorough Dryness-a high state

As per your condition, to my view, it is beyond doubt highly appreciable but it is a wonder to me why you do not feel it as such. Saint Kasturi had also expressed her surprise about it? In your letter of March 3, you write that you have nothing special to report except thorough dryness with a spirit of resignation. Is it an ordinary thing. I believe such a high state cannot be bestowed so easily to anyone. As a result of my previous working a few months ago, I find you now filled up with immense power all through, which is now subsiding slowly. When it has completely subsided I may take it up again after making a close observation of it.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

23rd July, 1963

My dear Varadachari,

Making a Man Immortal

On the 21st July night I saw in dream that I am dictating the medicine for tonsils to Shri Ishwar Sahai and after that I began to ponder as to how a man can live an immortal life. The thought was there but I could not come to the proper solution. In the morning when I awoke I was having the same thought. I came straight away to Shri Ishwar Sahai spoke to him about it and again pondered over it. By Master's grace I came to know the point but how to do it? and who can do it? are questions to be solved. Please recall the talk I had with you when I drew the diagram of heart at Madras. I have chalked out four points in the heart (diagram given). The middle one is the point, which if worked on, will make a man immortal. If a man used to live for a hundred years, another hundred can thus be added to it and so on. The middle point which I marked as V is the nucleus and around it are the spring-like things (like that of a clock). As a man grows old they begin loosening. Please recollect the episode of Allahabad. At that time I had found these springs loosened almost completely. But when other's life was brought in they were tight again. I am now definitely correct about this discovery.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 19th August, 1963

My dear Varadachari,

Heart Region

As for the points of the heart I have yet to consider over it. I shall let you know later on whether there are corresponding centres in the mind and the central regions too. The heart region extends up to sikhar (top). After that there is the mind region which extends up to the occipital point. There is also one super-consciousness in it as I have hinted at in Efficacy of Raja Yoga, but it is not very active.


With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 12/14th October, 1963

My dear Varadachari,

Now a question arises in my mind as to why I was, in this particular case so deeply touched, which may obviously be against the declared rules of spiritual discipline. In this connection I may relate an old incident of my life. About thirty years ago, my elder son-the only son at that time-died in his ninth year. My feeling about it was not even as much as one might have felt at the death of a pet parrot. I had expressed it like that, at that time, to one of our trainers then. This was during the 8th or 9th year of my abhyas. But now after forty years of abhyas I feel so deeply touched by a similar incident. Why this strange contrast, let my wise and learned associates discover and solve. Can it not be presumed that my condition at the time was higher and superior to what it is today? To my view I am far advanced and better accomplished now than I was at that time. I reserve, at present, my solution of the mystery, though for a mere hint I may say that Humanity and Divinity must both go along side by side and that is my view of 'Completion'.

I can't say whether my associates are in the know of the fact that I have surrendered with deep love to all and every one of them in place of the otherwise. The result therefore is that I usually feel overburdened with works, materially related with them. However, now I am grateful to you for having brought to my knowledge my shortcoming in this respect, which is in my full view now, and I feel induced to avoid it in future. it may no doubt be reasonable not to pray, since God does not listen to one's prayer sometimes. I hope you will also help me in this respect in order to enable me to reconcile myself not to take such jobs. Instead of this it would be better to devote that much time to the spiritual service of my associates, in whatever poor way I may be able to do.


With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 23rd November, 1963

My dear Varadachari,



Now about your present condition as I observe it, I feel that power and strength have altogether left you off. I am waiting for what comes next after it i.e., becoming Divine-like, or complete smoothness which is the Divine's. Onward stages are governed on the same level. It carries a sense of nothingness. The idea of 'having' is not there and to put it in words, the word 'nothingness' shall also be a bit heavier. What may it come up to when one cannot distinguish between 'having' and 'not having'? The complete state of Divinity cannot however come to a human being because that would mean another God, which I believe you will agree with. That is my recent experience. I had tried to work in others, as God is doing in your case, but I could not, since that final smoothness remained lacking in my working. I am trying still and when I am not able to do it, I shall consult my Master.


As for your question about brahmanda I may say that brahmanda begins from ajna chakra where one comes to after crossing over the pind pradesh. Thus the chit-lake lies in the brahmanda and so also the point of sarawasti. I have stated in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga (Edition, page 25) that the heart region is extended from head to foot and the entire creation lies within this circle i.e., up to shikhar.

Stages of Progress

My experience reveals to me that after the parbrahmand mandal there are three more regions for which I have put down the name in Persian, in accordance with the condition of each. After that there are innumerable points each having its own specific condition. I usually take up these points one by one. As for saint Kasturi, she has crossed fifty-four of them and I do not know how many more are there still. She has also described to a great extent their particular conditions. All these points end in the brahmanda (shikhar). After shikhar the heart region ends and then we come to the mind region. There is also a kind of super-conscious state which I have not taken up in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga, because it serves as an instrument for the Divine to work with. All other super-conscious states appearing normally in a bud-like state, turn into full bloomed flower, when opened. But this super-conscious state has inverted position with its petals pointing downwards. An abhyasi when having passed through it, reaches the central region, this super-conscious state helps him to gain Divine powers. But depends entirely upon God to bestow it When an abhyasi enters the central region with complete devotion and faith in the Master, it begins to open automatically. But that is only a matter of experience.


I believe you have gone through pages 47 to 50 of the Efficacy of Raja Yoga, II Edition. Centre is God itself. The Master cell and all other cells are its creation. If anybody tries to meditate upon the Centre, his efforts will not be successful, though in his imagination he may however take the Centre in view to meditate upon. The only way for that would be the one I have hinted at in the Anant Ki Or, but I forbid you and every body to attempt it. I had attempted it twice (with prayers to the Master) only for two or three seconds each time, because of the immense power there on the border ring. I had myself put a strong check over my heart and at the same time the Master's powerful hand was also there. Even then I could only peep into it but not meditate upon, at all, because the pressure on the heart was unbearably great. Moreover, it is very difficult even to approach the ring because of a strong backward push from it. The Master had however admonished me for it and warned me against repetition.


With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 12th December, 1963

My dear Varadachari,


5th Ring of Splendour

P.S. thanks to God that you have stepped into the 5th Ring of Splendour on 11th December, 1963 at 7.55 P.M.