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January 5th 1959

My dear beloved and revered Gurudev

Please accept my humble pranams. .....


As for myself I do not know the reason why I was not feeling quite happy and indeed though I do not wish to work myself into depression for I would very much like to be free from it, the feeling of not progressing as fast as I may like it, and the transcendence over the mental state (manomayakosa) which somehow continues to dominate, though the high state has been reached, continues. I can only pray sincerely for the crossing over of this hurdle of mental disturbances.

All that I can now say is that I am restless and looking forward to that realisation of peace and presence of the Master and absorption in the Ultimate and the Master.

With loving pranams,




My Work as a Preceptor for a Year (1957-58)

My dear Gurudev:

It was on the 22nd December '57 that the Gurudev charged me with this work of being a preceptor. It was however only on the next day that I did it at the Master's wish and in it I felt almost nothing. I was advised to do it in a particular way, that is, to feel that the power of the Master was descending into my heart and from thence it moved to the heart of the abhyasi who was asked to meditate on his heart. To observe my heart and see what is reflected of the abhyasi in it, was the second direction. Thirdly I was also advised not to concentrate or meditate on my own for my own sake for that would arrest the flow towards the abhyasi for whose sake alone the transmission takes place.

Indeed I found that in every case, whether I concentrated or meditated on my own and was seeking descent of the Master's grace and super-consciousness into myself or into the abhyasi the Master's grace was steadily moving into the heart of the abhyasi. So far as my experience goes I felt more as transmitting not when I wished to transmit Master's power, but when I was receiving the Master's power which automatically went to the heart of the abhyasi.

I felt throughout that Master was intent on my training myself as it was one way of keeping me inwardly connected with Himself I was a channel of His power and got purified by it. It was, a kind of self-offering to the Master for His purposes - which has been to lift me to the highest state or the Ultimate.

There were times when I felt extremely exalted during the transmission.

  1. I felt sometimes actively willing the transmission.
  2. Sometimes I was merely passively looking on inwardly without making any effort after saying the prayer. Yet the transmission was taking place according to the abhyasi.
  3. Sometimes I was able to see the condition of the abhyasi clearly and was cleaning the system. Sometimes I was able only to intuit or I was somehow suggested the condition of the, abhyasi. Sometimes I somehow hazarded the description of the abhyasi's condition) which the abhyasi confirmed.
  4. Master's power works even without my noticing the action.
  5. I was able to clean the dark spots and places of the inner being of the abhyasi or even remove some peculiar features appearing to me when looking at them inwardly, of which they were not conscious, thanks to conscious use of the Master's power.
  6. I observed myself having series of thoughts of my own - which the Master has told me come from my manomayakosa (letter of the Master) but they did not affect the abhyasi going through transmission. Thus Master's Power is perfectly free from the imperfections of my consciousness. It is PURE.
  7. I however am finding that I rely on the Master more and more and though I feel sometimes utterly depressed yet because of the Master's grace I am growing in constant thoughts of him.
  8. I feel that I am merging in the body of God and Master is making me lose myself in him and is beginning to make me 'eat or live', breathe or move and Be in Him alone.



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 27th January, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Moving into Central region

On the night of December 25, while I was transmitting to you on the point E, I found you to be moving in the central region. I, of course went with you to ensure your safe arrival. This was due to your unconscious devotion and the thorough cleaning of your system. In your letter of 20th January, 1959 you have acknowledged that, "In a sense I feel utterly reduced to Nothingness." How exceedingly happy I am to write to you, in a funny language indeed, that now you are the tame animal of God and that is the sainthood. My duty as a teacher is now over but as a servant I may yet have a lot to do. I now feel that your bondages are speedily melting away. What I am busy with nowadays is to take out the weight of past samskaras from your sookshma sharir, in order to create harmony with nature. As a result you must now be feeling lighter and lighter. God is now Himself working for it and like a dutiful servant I only act as a wheel in the machine. I have yet to do much work on the points for your acquirement of the command. But I have not yet decided how to start with it. It may however be done gradually, just as fever must not be allowed to go down all of a sudden.

Miracles you have got but there is no awareness. I wanted to offer prasadam but the difficulty is how to send it to you. The time is now coming for the awakening of kundalini, which will create right thinking, though you have a good deal of it already. I will not follow the injunction of Ouspensky regarding kundalini, if its tendency for awakening develops.

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra

Thirst for Merging

P.S. ..... The feeling that I have taken you over in all functions may be a reality in view of your silent and conscious devotion. Thirst for merging is a sign to show that you are being merged. When it is complete (to the last possible limit) there will be no thought of 'Me in Thee' or 'Thee in Me'. As for Your idea about transformation I assure you that it has already begun. There is such a slight difference between one and the other state that it is neither describable nor discernible. Regarding thoughts, you complained of, they are merely like flakes of foam on the surface of the ocean.


Ram Chandra


2nd February 1959

My dear Revered and beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble pranams. It gave me the greatest pleasure to learn that Master has passed the critical period and I am deeply grateful to Mahatma gurudev of Fatehgarh for the loving congratulations passed on to me by thee.

I am also moved by the Grace of the Guru for leading me to the central region. On 25-12-58 I felt myself absorbed in the Divine. When I referred to my diary I found that I was increasing my irritability and felt almost a kind of so called deterioration from shanti. This I observed on the 28th December. On January 5th, I did not note anything in my diary. I was absorbed in the events that transpired from 1st to 4th about which I wrote to you. Or 17th January, I felt that the blood of the Master began flowing through me and bringing up new energy. It was centred at the heart. I was led to speculate about the Master's constant statement that he would give his very blood if the need came up. I was wondering also about the words of Christ that a disciple would begin to live on His Master, symbolised externally as bread and wine which are in mystic consciousness but flesh and blood. The experience of this led as I observed to irritability of the 18th January about trifling things. I had almost come to feel that all events are as a matter of fact not referable to the immediate events around me but to some spiritual activity going on elsewhere. So I was feeling that something is going on elsewhere, right or wrong.

On 25th January 1959 during satsangh (6:30 7:20 A.M.) I observed that certain figures (rather grayish) left the bodies of the abhyasis. It was rather funny I thought that they were the samskaras of the abhyasis leaving their systems ever' like Kalipurusa who left Nala.

I pray for the Master's long life and presence amongst us. You have written about prasadam to be given to me. I know it could be done by thee. You can surely take your own time for the diaries.

With loving pranams,




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 9/18th February, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


I have also gone through your annual report, and am quite satisfied with your work. I hope it will be more efficacious, onwards, since the calibre of the preceptors, too, counts much. I tell you one of the most striking features of Sahaj Marg. Under the system, the very first sitting sows the seed of liberation within the abhyasi. Every preceptor of our Mission does the same, though unknowingly. To tell you confidentially, if an abhyasi has unflinching faith and practises, even a little if not much, with devotion, he will ultimately gain liberation, because the seed which has already been sown, develops by faith and devotion. My Varadachari, to tell you frankly, all that I got for my spiritual state, whatever it might be, was got very cheap, so I want to distribute it for no price at all. You will laugh at me if I say that I used to meditate only for 4 or 5 minutes every day, but there was one thing, by His grace I remained absorbed all the while in the sacred thought of the Master. He is the only God to me. I attach no importance to liberation. Rather I am one who can even sacrifice it at the altar of love for the Master.

With reference to your sentence, "so far as my experience goes... to the abhyasi", I may say that I feel I must see the day when you are not able to know even who transmits - you or the Master. Nor even you feel giving suggestions for the flow of Divine Current tended towards the required moulding of the abhyasi.

Your readings about all the abhyasis is correct. Shri Vedantam is indeed improving speedily and devotion is developing in him unconsciously. Persons who are attending your satsangh and have attended regularly for some time at least get a start of ajapa. It is often the case with certain people that they leave off after practising for some time. It is not a new thing with you but it has also been with me as well as with my Rev. Master. There can be several reasons for that. Firstly, they have no real thirst but start the practice merely for the satisfaction of their curiosity. Secondly, sometimes the force of samskara becomes so strong that they get entangled in it. But this happens with a bit advanced abhyasis of a few years standing. There may sometimes be a few who join satsangh with a desire to secure help for the fulfillment of their desired purpose. A man having real thirst cannot leave the real method, when he has access to it once. Sometimes it also happens that if a man is overdosed, he avoids satsangh till the thing gets digested.

...... I tell you one very important thing, that the image of a saint can be taken to heart only if his indriyas have come to their original state, and the saint is completely merged (laya) in Brahm. If he is short of the mark, the disciple, taking up his image will also be short of the mark

..... Now, Doctor! What do you say now about your reading of which you complained so often. I do not find even 1% error in your reading. Your reading of yourself, on about 17th January, is also correct so far as blood is concerned. During the period, I was trying to give your indriyas a fresh energy of the original form, which I had stated in my last letter as taking out weight of samskara. At 8:30 P.M. on 22nd January I noted down on my writing pad that at 8:20 P.M. I felt unsettled and confused. My thought at once ran to you and convinced me that you were in trouble at the time. This condition lasted for about 10 minutes after which I was naturally diverted to the depth of my condition. Will you please inform me if you are alright now. The removing of the weight of samskara, in which" I was a good deal successful, resulted in bhoga, though its intensity was greatly reduced so that as one might say that in place of a dagger you might have had only a needle to face with. January 25 (satsangh) - they were no doubt the samskaras of abhyasis which had left their system. January 27 - That which happened on December 25, led you to believe at different times that you had been shot to the centre by the benign hand of the Master.

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 18th February, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


I forgot to write to you previously that in the first week of January, I saw in a dream that I was at Tirupati and was dining with you in separate dishes. There were a few toys placed near your dish. As the dream was seen soon after your entry into the Central region so it must have some meaning. For this reason I write it to you. As far as I remember you were taking sweet rice at that time. That means you had got the real food, but taking into account the infiniteness of God, you may well be presumed to be yet playing with the toys like a child. That is a good lesson for us all.

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


4th March 1959

My dear Revered Gurudev,


The dream you have written about on February 18, is really suggestive. I was constantly thinking that God and Master ought to be my food and by that food alone I must grow. No wonder that Master saw me taking sweet rice. However Master, let me inform you nowadays I am unable to sit up as such but bow down to Thee all the time and praying for absorption and experience of my state free from the mental fluctuations.

With prayerfulness and love for thee,

I am yours,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated l0th March, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Ajna ,Sahasrara and perfect Negation

Ajna is the distributor of power which we receive from above. Those who meditate on ajna feel the wavering condition and not the settled one. I have no experience of that sort of meditation but I think it to be so. Meditation on sahasra is better than that on ajna. Our last approach is when structure falls off and we feel ourself nowhere, while in the state of perfect Negation, An Urdu poet refers to the same condition in the following verse:

"Ham wahan hain jahan se ham ko bhi kuch hamari khabar nahi ati" (We are wherefrom we do not get any tidings of our own self even.)

When we slide down a little for the purpose of work, we feel our own fragrance (the Divine one) in every particle. Unless a momentary glimpse of that stage is witnessed it is very difficult to understand the condition. Think a little over it - whether it is so or not?

After dictating the above letter I received yours of 4th instant which I will reply later on.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 23rd March, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


At your present stage of progress it is not essential for an abhyasi to practise meditation, but since I want that the Central region may remain continually active for some time, I recommend meditation still, though as you have yourself written that the Central region is in action.


23rd March 1959

My dear Revered Gurudev



I have been passing through a peculiar indescribable condition, not of bliss surely. I found myself being constantly withdrawn into myself. I realised that I had reached a deep state which was neither bliss nor not-bliss. I suddenly a few days ago, precisely on the 21st morning at 6:40 A.M. When I was giving a sitting to Srinivasulu, two events, (i) his melting into me, and (ii) myself being dissolved into nothingness. It was a peculiar experience during meditation or granting sitting. Could thou explain the same to me? The satsangh on 22nd morning of 43 minutes duration was exhilarating and I found myself dissolving into nothingness. of course it meant that I could not perform meditations as such during the past two days.

I pray that I may enter into this state more fully, and the manas that interposes even now will cease its activity more and more, and I shall be super-consciously with the Master without break and with awareness of the Ultimate or Godhead and Master.

I believe that Thy health is all right as also that of Brother Ishwar Sahaiji's.

With loving pranams,

I am yours,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 10th April, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Bliss in not the end

Your observation of yourself is correct but you sometimes come to blissful state as well, which can be scrutinised if studied deeply. This will continue for some time till the region is free and the subtle particles are all dissolved. That mean's the greatest power. Generally abhyasis having read about bliss in the scriptures, begin to look upon it with admiration taking it alone into account. It is no doubt very soothing but by no means the end. 'What I want for all abhyasis is that they may be free from both 'bliss' and 'not bliss' and I pray for the same.

State of Not Bliss

In this connection I may relate to you an incident that once, in reference to my spiritual state at the time, I asked my Master, "Is this the state of bliss so highly talked about and for which you have graciously exerted yourself so long?" He smilingly replied, "But if the state you are in at present though tasteless, is withdrawn from you?" Quick was my reply that I would prefer death if I got way from the state. Before acquiring this present state I sometimes returned, whenever I liked, to the state of bliss I had crossed over, but now from this state of 'not bliss' - the tasteless - I do not for a moment like to get down to that of bliss.

Higher State of Manas

Doctor, my version will be accepted by those only who are well versed in dharmic literature or by those who are already in that state of 'not bliss'. But if one likes to reason it out he will come to the conclusion that this is the higher state of manas, which always likes to have its own course in a refined way. In atman there is no question of like or dislike. It is just as it is. In the highest state of advancement the individual mind become an instrument for higher work. If it remains attached with its soothing effect, that means it is playing its own game in its own way. All siddhis and miracles are performed through this instrument. So long as one is its instrument, he always finds himself enwrapped in it. The orders and commands from the Divine always come to those who are not under the spell of manas.

If one observes closely the effect of my transmission, he will find but a little only of the charming effect of bliss, because I want to insert the very essence of God-realisation, not minding whether it is pleasing to them or not. Sometimes, of course, I do give a little dose of light bliss so that an abhyasi may not feel boring.



Ram Chandra

Commentary on Diary


Some experiences of Pranahuti

Jerks and dozing are the signs of samadhi. Different colours which are sometimes noticed by abhyasis, are due to the effect of different chakras. About the blue light the Doctor will explain to you the best. When love takes seat in the subconscious mind, the eye witnesses it through the medium of tears. Please try to develop constant remembrance. The best way to do that is to remain mostly in His thought, just like a man who inwardly feels anxious all through about the illness of some of his dear ones. There are other ways too which I shall tell you when I am there.


shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 15th April, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


..... As for your feeling of flood of His Grace at times while detachment from it at other times, I may say that as your present state warrants detachment at time means that you are absorbed in Him. For myself I can say that I do not feel the grace at all, though It is always there. I feel it only when I take up duality for some good reason and that is mostly when I feel something tending to descend from the Divine. It is a peculiar state for which I do not find words to express.

With best wishes to you, love to children and respect to Appaji.


I. Sahai

for Ram Chandra


Vijayawada Camp,

Dated 15th June, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


The work relating to yourself, which I had started at Tirupati is now being done by the Divine Itself and you must be feeling it if you study closely. It is indeed something very great and which when completed may entitle me to my dakshina according to our ancient culture.


With best wishes, love to children, and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 4th July, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Living Dead Turiyatita

Your feeling of frustration might be due to the effect of old habit, which may not likely linger long. The intensity I found in you when I was at Madras has now subsided except say for 2% only. So mass transmission is now not essential for you, though you can be on with it if you like taking up any place you choose. When I peep into you I am filled with inexpressible rapture and the soothing effect thereof begins to reflect upon me too. For a hint I may say that if you study well you will find yourself becoming a 'dead man'. This is the state which I have expressed as that of a living dead, and that is in fact the beginning of turiyatita. The particles of the body have for the most part been transformed into energy and the process is going on still, which in due course will result into the Ultimate.

With best wishes, love to children, and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 24th June, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


I meditated on your form for about 3 or 4 days and I felt soothing. I tell you reason for doing so. The silent force was marking within you with enormous speed and I wanted to reduce it. 'Since I cannot catch the Divine Hand I took part in it with the result that the velocity decreased and the benefit remained the same. I am happy to note that you are greatly interested in the work of the Master and the Mission, please be sure that you will enrich the Mission with teachings, writings and speeches. I have strong hope that by His grace you will not suffer any obstruction. I expect that God will give you more than what you can conceive of. A few day ago I examined your kundalini and I found that it is taking turn towards its awakening and the work started which you already felt, but there is some Heavier light still which when removed it will come to its full awakening.

Love to children. Respect to Appaji.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


9th July 1959

My dear revered and beloved Gurudev,


Divine Flow

Regarding my own experiences during the past one month, they have been marvelous in some senses and I believe I have yet to realise the fullest meaning of the Divine Flow into me. I believe sometimes that the whole being is vibrant with the energy and appears even so light and the experience is somewhat peculiar and indescribable, As thou hast stated, I believe the process of transformation of all the particles into Divine energy is what has led to these sensations. However as I wrote, earlier I pray to the Master that the lower centres are purified in such a way that they will not interfere with the Highest movement and indeed will transform their functions so as to be purest instruments of the Divine Master. I pray the duality that I witness may be removed and I experience perfect Oneness with the Master. It is a kind of restlessness-, I believe it is healthy and divine.


I am fully convinced Master that the Divine will lead me to the work and that by His grace I shall have no kind of obstruction from whichever quarter. I am also convinced that I cannot measure the glory of God and the Master and cannot conceive of what they can grant to me in this work.

Cleaning Its Importance

..... More and more it has become clear to me that cleaning. of the Indian soul from within is absolutely necessary and urgent and that Master's method of transmission will bring out quick and immediate results in the souls of the people.





Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 18th July, 1959

My dear brother,


..... You have also started the work of the Mission already and the guidance will come from Him. How I eagerly wish that your reasoning be merged in intuition and the signs are there. You make sankalpa and the guidance will come automatically. Kabir has said that the sankalpa of the saint cannot go without result.

When the energy deepens it gives a fine blue colour. Your feeling that you are charged with power is correct and the Supreme has really taken charge of you. I feel that one of the courses of nature is over and another has started. Before the second process was started you must have felt the state of poise. This time the work started from the lower region near about kundalini. I am simply watching and doing nothing. Your lower centres are mostly cleaned, if there is anything it is very little which will be seen after. I also want that Tirupati may rise to spread spiritually throughout. For that you should try when power is given to you by God. To tell you the truth the mentality can be changed over a night. If I say that it can be changed in a second's time then that will be an egoistic version. When God gives authority for a certain work He does not meddle with the affairs and that is the authority enjoyed by the Special personality. Now the question arises as to why he does not complete the work instantly when it is so badly needed. It is a mystery which can be verbally told. There is a general law that when God sends out such a personality for the change he departs as soon as his work is over. It is quite possible that he may be having some other spiritual work for which his presence in material form may be essential. I am sure that he has finished his work just as Lord Krishna did before the actual incident of Mahabharat took place. But it has not been brought in full swing owing to certain reasons. The things are coming slowly down. In every heart you will find his will working for the spiritual awakening.

Doctor, I appreciate the abhyasis of the Mission for their desire to progress soon and I also want the same. But the difficulty is that I cannot touch the higher centres unless they are needed. When Shri Raghavendra Rao came to Bellary I was so happy to see him that I could not check myself to give him still higher approach. I gave him a sitting and made him cross six points with all their yatra. When I wanted to proceed further my Master stopped me. The result is that he has high pressure and tension. Now I am busy in removing the tension and the pressure and the further work is stopped. By His grace I succeeded in reducing it but it is still there. I am thinking and thinking how to save the abhyasis from such pressure while giving high approaches in the shortest time but I could not arrive at a proper result.

Chit Lake of Master

When I was at Tirupati you observed my mental lake (chit) and you found it dotted with ruby like things. That was your unique observation and a new thing to me. Please observe whether these dots are like ruby in other abhyasis also or something blackish. Saint Kasturi and Shri Ishwara Sahai have already given their observations. I shall wait for your observation to study it further. You will also write to me whether these dots are in hundreds or in thousands or in millions.


Respect to Appaji and love to children.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


July 17th 1959

My dear revered and beloved Gurudev,


Restlessness for mergence

I have been feeling the duality very oppressive and I can only sincerely pray for the extinguishment of duality, between Thy Consciousness and mine, and a complete absorption of myself in Thee. This is possible even as thou hast pierced through the anandamaya kosa and split the atomic particles within me. The maya yet persists as me and thee, let it be Thee alone.


I pray again that I may break through the duality at a very early date and arrive at the heart of Reality-consciousness or Reality, simply so that this restlessness and doubt and so on may vanish at once and once for all. Let the Master take me into Himself utterly so that my problems will be solved once for all.

I am at present in a very peculiar state of restlessness, and old things arise to disturb me. I thought that all these would pass and never recur again. Why do they recur if I have indeed passed all these circles and the world has been left far behind? This is a crucial problem.


I am yours with all loving pranams,



24th July 1959

My dear Revered and Beloved Gurudev,



I am deeply grateful to thee for assuring me that the Master will be with us for at least 15 years and till Chi. Narayan reaches a good stage. Yes. By thy divine sankalpa all things are being done through me. Where is my sankalpa at all? Further the effort to reach beyond trikuti is thine alone and I am wondering whether this kundalini and trikuti etc. are not precisely those that make for physical power or manifestation of the spiritual power? My attaining the central region and the yatra in it towards the points A to Z what have they to do with this Yatra or awakening of the kundalini and trikuti? Is it for perfection and if so of what kind? As I wrote I am praying for non-duality.


Chit Lake-Observations

Now regarding the manasa-lake or cit-lake or manasarovar in Thee and the observation you asked to me make, I have to report I tried to observe it in the case of A.B.S. and my son Arvind and my wife.

The area in all at the beginning appeared to be just a wave-filled area. It was without any dots or specks though the whole thing was light and shade. That was on the 22nd. On the 23rd again in a sitting I began to observe by transmitting firmly at the region. (Of course ABS did not experience anything peculiar and particular.) But I saw that the lake had reddish lines. But it was all in a state of vibratory movement. I slowed down the process and found that it may be considered that these lines are but the points in continuous rotation giving the impression of lines. I believe the points in thy case were brilliant rubies rather than dark or black specks. And obviously the chit was in such a placid condition that it was possible for me to see them to be an enumerable number rather than an innumerable one. Anyhow I should very much like to have thy reading. I shall try again with others. I could not succeed in the case of Shri Somesvara Sarrna. Obviously they have to be cleaned before the observation can take place.


In the meanwhile please lead me to the state of Non-duality which alone I believe will make me altogether with Thee always and in every sense.

With loving pranams,

yours as body,


Chit Lake-Observations

P.S. I observed today the chit-lake of the two other abhyasis Shri Dhond Rao and Shri R. Annaih Naidu. But I could hardly arrive at that clear condition in them though I transmitted to it for more than 20 minutes. This confirms my view that it is at this point that the descent to the inversion happens to the lower plane of existence or the pind Pradesh which is in latency here. I do not know whether it is an index of a highly purified condition to have the dots of ruby colour in it revealing the mani padma of the Buddhist chant. The head decoration of Buddha containing petals of the lotus or more correctly the manis (gems) is the high seat of Boddhi, perhaps. But I am conjecturing here and would certainly be illuminated by Thy Grace.

Sahaja Samadhi

I pray most intensely to Thee for the change of the consciousness. I was reading the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with the commentary of Vyasa and also of Vacaspati. I read that it is the samadhi or trance state that reveals the nature of the particulars (atoms as individual objects and purusas (souls) which are distinct from one another or visesas. This is a very revealing thing and they hold that neither pratyaksa nor anumana, nor sabda pramanas can reveal the particular for they are concerned with the general alone. Thus they seem to accept the Vaisesika theory as acceptable at the highest level of samadhi-pramana, the real anubhava according to Thee; in the Sahaja way, it is sahaj samadhi which is higher than the usual trance condition,. This is also a fact for Thy clarification, for it reveals that one can know the entire ray of each individual soul in that condition. Whether it is revealed to oneself or not again is for the Master to let me know. I am praying that such a condition may be possible for me by Thy illimitable grace.


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 26th July, 1959

My dear Varadachari,



The ashram shall not be for the use, of one or two individuals but for the good of the people in general.

It will be the centre of all activities of the Mission's branch. It will be a fit place for all functions celebrated locally. The associates coming to you from other places can stay there so long as they like and wishing so may settle permanently for spiritual pursuit. It is not necessary to have weekly satsangh there, as it might be very inconvenient, to most of the satsanghis. You can have it at your own house as usual. Besides this, since the place has been charged, its very environment will fill those who visit the place with Divine impulse leading to their spiritual advancement by constant association. This may not be believed at my words alone, but may be practically experienced by anyone who is sensitive enough to realise it. We have been inspired for the work by the pious sankalpa (building the ashram) for no selfish purpose of our own hence the final success is but absolutely certain.


I think you must have received my previous letter in which I had written that this time the Divine work had started from the lower region near about the kundalini. It is quite possible you might be feeling a slight aggravation of the lower vrittis. Let this, the Nature's second course, be over After which I shall think over again. Duality is not in you but the thought of it is persistent. When you think of me externally the continuity of thought is broken and subsequently it is dissolved in you. Is it a fact?

Experience of perspiration

..... experience of perspiration all over the body is not quite unusual. It sometimes happens though rarely that transmission produces heat in the nerves with the result that the abhyasi begins to perspire. The perspiration helps cleaning as it carries with it some of the grossness. ....

With best wishes to you and love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra



2nd August, 1959

My dear Revered and Beloved Gurudev,

I am feeling sometimes that I have reached Master's grace fully. At other times there is a slight separation from thee. However it is clear that Master has been pleased with my humble self and will grant me fuller union in all planes of existence here and elsewhere.

Satsangh Experience

Today satsangh was magnificent with thy supreme presence. I am also finding that the heart centre (central heart chest region) was peculiarly illuminated with a flower-like golden shape and linked up with the lower centres in the, line of the sat chakras which had become luminous with many threads of inter-connection, below and above too. My head region has been experiencing tension. But as advised by you at Madras I have proceeded to transmit to all Tirupati and Tirumalai.

With profound loving pranams and self-offering,

I am yours,



August 10th / 11th 1959

My dear revered Gurudev,


I pray again and again that I may be constantly in Thee and Thou in me in the super-conscious condition and ordinary condition. Several times I am saying that I am in the sahaja condition, but feel a little concerned after I make that statement. Is it not funny?

With humble loving pranams.




Shahiahanpur, U.P.

Dated 30th August, 1959


Central region

You must have read in Efficacy of Raja Yoga the wonderful research by my guru that a man can reach the central region having body. When a man reaches central region a bondage is kept so that he may have connection with the lower regions also. If bondage be not kept the soul will jump into eternal peace and the life will be gone. It is therefore certain that one must feel the air of the lower regions at times. This can be the condition of even the highest saint of the world if he somehow reaches the central region. In your case non-duality is reigning but at times, you get the fit of lower region; of course, at the highest pitch of negation the shock is very slightly felt. One always finds room for advancement at every stage. When everything is all right and one is charged fully with 'Divine power', swimming in the central region commences but after crossing the rings of light. To start the swimming, the help of very high power is needed; as my Guru is living permanently so you will not be wanting in -such power which may move you to swimming. Tirupati is undoubtedly charged but to the extent that children and babies may not feel it unbearable. But certainly it is a pious place. The hall of your house as you feel is charged better than Tirupati. Regarding the work of Nature in you I can only feel but it is difficult to express in words. I hope that you will feel the result of this processes soon. You will find evenness in your system though it is disturbed sometime at the surface. There is no disturbance at the root. There is a bit of pressure of power in your kundalini. I want that it may come to a subtle state automatically. If I find delay in the matter I will do it myself You asked me at what point you are now. There is no question of point now when you already got into the central region but I have yet to wait when these points evolve their full energy. You will be astonished if I write to you the great teachings of my 'Guru'. Every pore of the body has its own centre of energy and is itself a continent. Whatever is in the universe with its planetary systems is found there in it. They all must come in their full awakening state. I sincerely pray that all my associates may come to that stage and God may give me chance to render such service. It is the momentary work for my Master alone but who is prepared to grasp such power at a glance; so I am trying and trying that my associates may have the capacity to bear this 'Divine power', so we adhere to the gradual process of advancement.

Chit Lake

Regarding your anubhava about chit I agree with you, Shri Ishwar Sahai and saint Kasturi hold the same opinion but I myself am unable to visualize it correctly. Let the heaviness of the mind be over, then I will study the subject and verify it with my Master afterwards. Your conclusion is right regarding the points looking like brilliant rubies about this poor being but why they look like that is the mystery yet to be solved. Your view regarding the descent through this point for the lower plane of existence is entirely correct. A man asked me as to why I do not take agya chakra as the point of meditation. I replied that the power for pinda pradesh comes in it and it distributes to the lower region. If one meditates on this point he will feel something flickering disturbing the meditation. I shall be praising myself if I say that to have dots like ruby colour is the very signal of the highly purified condition, but the truth must be expressed. I do not know whether Mahatma Buddha meant the same thing or something else. The Tibetan Buddhists chant 'OM MANI PADMA HUM'. There is a miracle of Mahatma Buddha shown to Jains that he sat decorated at one place with the petals of lotus and Buddhas one after the other was seen flying to sky. I hold that the purity of Buddha has been shown in this way. Precious stones are also kept in puja and often the idol is decorated with diamonds and so on. The chit lake was the only medium for him to see the light. We pray for something higher for the abhyasis.


If you transmit through agya chakra or a little above it the abhyasi will feet light. In case you transmit with the points far above the chit lake one will not feel the light but pressure if they are unable to bear the power. We are the sons of the land where Sun never shines where darkness has no place and the light bids farewell. Our yogis do not infer fire from smoke. They directly hit the substance. When a man comes to the real sahaj avastha he can read the real ray of each individual soul and the tendency of the Nature. A little concentration will reveal all this thing. With the help of that power you came to know the condition of my chit lake. You also read the abhyasis' conditions with its help. Now I want to enter into self-praise which only my Master deserves, in saying that one of the ablest eye-specialist, being my associate said that there is a point on which if a research is done, the operation will always be successful. I told him by the diagram that this is the point. He tried and said to Shri Kashi Ram that since I told him of my research of that point the eyes did not fail to recover light. I do not remember what it was but he makes use of it. My dear Dr. trust in yourself as you have got that power and it is developing day by day.


With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


September 7th 1959

My dear Revered and beloved Gurudev,


Please accept my humble pranams. Your affectionate letter gave me great confidence and I am praying for further definite and clear approach to the Ultimate. Indeed I am looking forward to swimming in the Central Region. Yet there are times when I feel that nothing has basically taken place; it may be due to the fact mentioned by you that the connection with the lower levels influences this mental state.

.....In any case there is necessity for a clear vindication-of spiritual life, a basic experience that will not be sublimated or cancelled later on. Mind or manas is capable of great illusions and steady illusification.


With loving pranams.




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 10th September, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Received both of your affectionate letters. I am exceedingly happy to note that the restlessness to realise the Ultimate in its full aspect, is there. This is an admirable quality in an abhyasi without which there can be no real good. I eagerly desire rather I am compelled to do in your and Raghvendra Rao's case the highest that is in my power. I do not mean that I am a miser towards other abhyasis. All are equal in my sight but where I am naturally attracted to, there the thought compels me to so the most. I am paving the way for all that you want. These are very high things and for that I have to take into account everything connected with it. If I touch even the smallest point of the higher regions without preparing field for its working, which takes time, it may cause extreme tension on nerves. So I have to be very cautious at each step. Of course, I feel greatly interested in taking up higher-most centres, as in your case.


My respects to Appaji and love to children. With best wishes.


Ram Chandra

Copy of letter to Mr. N. Kumaraswami


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 14th September, 1959

My dear Varadachari,

Inner Silence

I believe you have received my letter sent along with registered parcel of the manuscript. After dispatching the parcel I observed that there is some change in your inner condition which is almost inexpressible but somehow it can be translated as 'inner silence'. Please observe it and write to me in your next letter.

Love to children and respects to Appaji,

With best wishes.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 17th September, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


For the stability of the Mission's organisation it is absolutely necessary that preceptors should be treated with due regard and co-operation from the associates, and their views in respect of the Mission's work be duly respected. He is the responsible head in charge of all the inner and outer activities of the Mission and associates are his helpers in the work.

My respects to Appaji and love to children.

With best wishes.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

20th September 1959

My dear revered and beloved Gurudev,

The work here is keeping pace though no new abhyasis have come forward to take up this training. The reasons may be twofold: that the change wrought in our abhyasis has not been radical enough or the preceptor is not yet up to the mark capable of attracting more to the system or mission. I am conscious of this responsibility and that makes me many times restless to realise fully in the hope that it may be such an irresistible attraction to others - the spiritual force being magnetic in the highest degree. Of course there is the third point that the men, should deserve to reach the highest or aspire for it seriously. This is God's work and His work alone.

Inner Silence

Regarding the particular question about my present condition which you describe as 'inner silence' which you wished me to write to you about,, I have tried to catch myself in that condition and discovered that it is a very deep state. I seemed to hear some supreme sound pervading that whole region of the brain and especially the back. It is a colourless state, nor is it blissful in the sense of being pleasant. It almost appears to be a state of nothingness and pushing me into nothingness but there is no fear. The anxiety that has been in respect of my throat trouble I connected with this and now this environmental trouble about my status in the University since in a sense they have not yet rectified the mistake of placing me on a par with a rank junior. But then now I am thinking that I am beyond the dualities and am trying to experience the same though supremely tried.

Master, I am really in deep anxiety about the Ultimate realisation and I pray that I may be blessed in full measure. I feel myself thoroughly charged sometimes and then I am able to do all the transmission, sometimes the other condition of being nothing prevails and all my superficial thoughts scamper in.

With pranams and love,




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 4th October, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Spreading of Mission

..... The main cause that the Mission is not widely spreading is that the people even do not know that there exists a Mission which can satisfy their spiritual need. When they will know the teachings of the Mission they will naturally be drifted towards it. The training of the Mission as you know brings about ' subtle changes, so they are not noticed easily. We are really proceeding from grossness to subtle states. It is wrong to think that you are weak because then, I will have to admit my weakness. Your restlessness for the work will pave the way for others to join the Mission. India is bound to come to an awakening state sooner or later and if you study it you will find that some sort of such activity is rolling into the mind of others.

Regarding your third point you have yourself beautifully replied but how the grace of God will move towards the irresistible attraction of our fellow beings is the question. Your very thought in the depth of the being will work to bring His grace, because it is the pious thought corroborative to the will of the Almighty.

Now I come to you wherefrom I never depart. If you study yourself you will feel in you the subtlest changes every day and it is very difficult to convert them into words. You want to cross the rings of light which so I sincerely wish to have the ultimate realisation. Really speaking I have not transmitted you since I left you at Madras but my watchful eye is always there. You have got such a tremendous force within you that if bondages are removed nobody can bear the power if it is transmitted for a second only. What I want is the dried up force, i.e., forceless force as I feel in myself. As you will proceed on towards negation you will feel yourself liquidated so to say. At times you come in that state to a greater degree but in every case the condition is there growing.


The Divinity is itself working to take you to the Ultimate Reality which comes after crossing the rings of light. This conception of realisation is in the Mission only, or it has been in the minds of the past sages. Before this condition is achieved even the bigger saints of our land will call it realisation.

My feeling is that the Divine is itself pulling you towards the Ultimate and the capacity is being developed. If I exercise myself for the sake of crossing the rings it will not be proper at this stage. What I do is that my thought is always there for the uplift. This will help you greatly in your pursuit and will create the favourable circumstances. If I take you by the force of the Master instantly brain nerves may shatter but I assure you that you will get at them, My prayer is always with you.


Ram Chandra



October 8th 1959

My dear revered Gurudev,


Necessity to admit only sadhakas

Regarding the admission of the Sahaj Marg to admit the harijans or for the matter of that any one who seeks spiritual help there can be no difference of opinion. The whole question would arise only if we did not admit. The trouble is that they have to grow and the transmission must be capable of changing them. If it has no effect on them which they will notice sooner or later, they will themselves drop off. It must be left to the preceptor there whether he will be able to transform them or not but any preceptor must be prepared for hard work, of course the Divine Master must decide. I believe I came across no instance in which the Master said he will not help, but if the others do not find immediate effect they do not come again. The harijan who are aspiring for real spirituality will go along with us slowly but so far as they are concerned satisfied with their bliss experiences or peace. others who come for some other ulterior motive will drop away if they do not get it from us. This point however must be made clear: the goal of the individual must be utter liberation not any lesser ideal. Any encouragement in other directions can work harm to the mission and lead to disappointment. Further it must also be clear that no one can say that as advancement happened to one faster than another, a caste man must faster than the harijan or otherwise, that it is due to the partiality of the Master or the preceptor.

Non Prejudicial attitude-a must

I have known that I hardly do anything and indeed many times I have been not able to witness even the condition of the abhyasi until the very end of the meditation. Therefore partiality cannot be consciously practised by the preceptor and the abhyasis should be warned against thinking so. Yet this communal virus and caste-virus will be there. Indeed it was to that that I referred in my previous letter regarding an article in the Sahag Marga latest number accusing brahmins as not accepting Gurudev. We have to set a very high standard in our own lives and lectures and articles and never accuse anybody, or set of persons, of things that we do not like to practice for it will only breed difficulties. I can now understand why the problem has arisen. Leaving out the legal nature of the demand for admittance into this Sahaj Marg,

it seems to me that we must permit every opportunity for everybody if he uses it. Anyhow it is necessary not to get into any unnecessary trouble, though it is indeed one of the most important things in spiritual life to test the fitness of an individual for higher approaches. .....

I am not anxious for power or control but for the most important thing namely improvement of the spiritual condition of the abhyasis so that our Mission will have some persons to speak with experience about the method we are following.

My own condition has been very peculiar. I must confess that I felt even that no progress has been made at all and this made me feel very much but that I am constantly thinking of the Master for the highest approach. Without it I feel wretched. I do not know what will happen with it - death? Death? Nothingness? Any way I have surrendered to the Master and He knows.

Yours with loving pranams.



October 19th 1959

My dear revered and beloved Gurudev,

I am equally grateful for the kind remarks you have made about my views. I have only done that out of a sense of duty. I am unaffected by whatever is said about me.

Regarding myself, I have nothing to present or report. It is truly dreary and indeed I am losing all hope and all bliss. It may be called an act of ingratitude to say that this is a very unsatisfactory state. As you have said in the Commandments one has to take all as His gift. In the outer world I have been treated most badly, superseded and so on, though I have earned applause elsewhere. I feel that God has selected me specially for ill-treatment and so on, which of course you wish me to take as gifts from my beloved Godhead. In the inner world I have now come across a state that is verily like a T.B. patient, helpless -- .....

Master I do not know what I shall be. I have left myself in the hands of the Master. Whether

I should be absolutely incapable of slightest movement with out the will of the Master or anything else, is to be decided by the Master.

Yours with loving pranams.



shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 25th October, 1959

My dear Varadachari,


Check in the Central Region

You have written in your letter dated 8th October, 1959 that "as a matter of fact the Master in the letter received today almost expresses concern about the misuse of the transmission power in me by me as it may be very powerful." I think it refers to para II page 3 of letter No. D 450/, SRCM dated 4th October, 1959. I believe you have misunderstood me. There is no question of misuse and it is not in any way possible in your case. I meant that you have got such a strong connection with the real power and such a tremendous force that if the bondage is removed you will not be able to transmit according to the capacity of the abhyasi. Since, there will be no check the abhyasi will become the target of the entire power rushing out full-fledged and you will not be in a position to control it according to necessity. In your present state, if you were exercising your will it will run like a stream. This limitation is not however a check to realisation. I had been in this position and my Master also had put a check over it as I did in your case but if I form a will the whole force will be directed towards the abhyasi. I think I have cleared this point sufficiently. if there remains anything still I shall clear it further., In all your letters I feel that you are despondent over your present condition. While on the other hand I felt exceedingly happy over it. I think since you love me as your own the condition which offers me happiness, though it may be unpleasant to you, must also ,be a source of happiness to you.

Forceless Force

Now I come to the main point. I had also written in my letter referred to above that what I want is the dried up force, i.e. forceless force as I feel it in myself. In my case my Master while, commenting upon this state had written to me in a Persian verse meaning, "Such rare an attainment is not the outcome of human effort but it is a ' Divine Gift.


Now see how highly did he appreciate this condition. I also complained to my Master, when I had the similar condition. In reply he asked me to remove this idea as it amounted to ingratitude towards the Lord. So my dear Varadachari, be Happy to have this as a blessing for which I must congratulate you. This is the first chapter of your present condition. Whatever you might be saying about it I would not mind the least nor attend to it in any way, and I would not rest a while till I have brought you to the dreary state like that of a T.B. patient who having lost heart feels himself incapable of slightest movement of limbs. I feel impatient to know if this has been satisfying to you.

I perfectly agree with your opinion that spiritual training is more important than the construction of Ashram which is only for the convenience of others and a source of publicity.

Love to children and respects to Appaji.

With best wishes.


Ram Chandra



8th November 1959

My beloved and revered Gurudev,


This morning I got another information. That there has been no improvement for the past two years of an abhyasi; this information I got from Shri Hanumantha Rao the old gentleman of 80 yrs. I said that if an abhyasi is not earnest about reaching the highest and has not faith how could such a one ever rise. When he said that he was feeling that the atmosphere of my room is not so very intense as previously, I told him that it is likely he has lost his sensitivity or it is due to the higher tension of the room which he could not discern, or still that the Master for the purpose of soothening the transmission of my humble self has produced softness rather than intensity, which is higher and more potent as transmissive power than before being forceless force. .....

Other abhyasis are feeling the present day transmissions very very elevating. One and all feel that they are improving and I find their love for the Master is growing by leaps and bounds. I myself Master, felt that Thou hast poured thyself in me all the time and without interruption. What more can I say except that I do not know what I can do except to lose myself in thee.

Anyhow when anybody feels that the Master's judgement is wrong and wishes to increase his own ego, there is hardly any ground for cure. .....


Yours as body




Dated 25th November, 1959

Dear brother,

If you observe minutely you will find day to day changes, subtle they may however be whay you eagerly wish for, is my earnest desire too, and you are having it step by step. You like to be freed from the endless circle of rebirth. I assure you that you are destined to be so. Not only this but you shall also be able to liberate others by His grace. The method may be dangerous but you have power and courage to break the limitations instantly.


...Constitutionally a preceptor is a controlling authority at a place and everybody must in duty bound to obey him. His inner condition as you already know showed that he was not receptive to Divine influence. It was you who made him receptable but he seems to have no sense of obligation for it. That is nothing but sheer ingratitude on his part. I am of course sorry for him when I take into consideration his age which warrants devoted adherence to his spiritual pursuit at all moments. The incident reminds me of the golden words of my Master that one can be successful only when God wishes him so.'

Please accept pranam from I.Sahai and R.Rao.

My respects to Appaji and love to Children

With best wishes


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur U.P.

Dated 29th December, 1959

My dear Varadachari,

Received your affectionate letter of 19th December, 1959 at Allahabad. ..... ..... I am really so much captured by the high devotion of all the members of your family that I feel myself mortgaged. I am glad to say that I feel you to be in a peculiar state, as if everything has been taken away from you and I am sure that in about a month's time you will realise that it has brought you to something still deeper.