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Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 5th March, 1969

My dear Varadachari,


I took up the work of Shri ------ of Madras; but he developed a sort of ahamta (egoism) which stopped my work. Unless that is corrected, further approach is not possible. I am surprised that at such higher state how the egoism creeps in. The answer, as I see, can be that egoism is not washed away totally. The form is changed. It means that any sister idea sometimes comes and the abhyasi deepens it by his constant thinking due to the power within him, which grows as he advances. I could remove about ninety percent of his defects, when he was here. The condition was that this ahamta was spread throughout his system. What I did I am writing to you for further experience. Instead of hitting at the root at that time I began to remove the extension of it in the system.

I am sorry to learn that the case of Shri C. Raghavendra Rao of Secunderabad has not been decided in his favour. I offered prayer but it was not answered. In the worldly matters I am mostly unsuccessful in prayers because the heart hardly co-operates. The reason as I think, seems to be the tendency of the mind is changed and the mind seems to be withdrawn from the world as its natural effect. ....


Love to children and respect to your father,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 24th March, 1969

My dear Varadachari,

A Method

.... When I do not want to transmit owing to the danger, which I foresee, then simply I think it should be cleaned and intricacies may be removed. That is my last weapon.


Love to children and respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 24th June, 1969

My dear Varadachari,

Yoga promises Liberation

.... Now I am writing to you the mentality of the persons there. Most of them think me a little better than a fool and take me little better than other sadhus who wander in the street like the rolling stones not fit for the building. If you prescribe them our method, some of them will do it for some time but if they suffer any loss in the business they will attribute it to this method and will give it up. I told them plainly that business promises money and not realisation and yoga promises liberation and not money... ...



.... You have written that sometimes you feel absorbed seeking to move swiftly to the Centre. There is no change at all in your state. It is a changeless condition as I say. A little bit humanity is there as it ought to be and so you feel the difference. In the beginning your inclination was to reach the Centre, a tinge of it is still there so you feel seeking to move swiftly to the centre. Nothingness or negation is your state but I feel the weight of nothingness in your condition which will itself disappear. This is not the defect at all but as I am very weak so I admire weakness if I find like that in anybody. Now I am telling you the cause of weight. You started with keen inclination for realisation. Since that inclination came in contact with power so it became a bit stronger to help you in your spiritual pursuit and really it worked wonders. Now it has no place. It has done its work. A bit amount of keenness is still there and I shall speak to my Master for it because I cannot touch. If He allows me to do it, I will do it or He will Himself do if my request is just and proper.

Love to children. Respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 3rd November, 1969

My dear Varadachari,

Idolatory and Worship

You have written in your letter about five types of idols defining each of them. I am giving you one more kind of idolatry, pointed out by my Master. He said that if a man is a slave of his habits he is also an idolater. I go on so far to say that what we suppose even if it does not exist is also idolatry. If a man loves his family, children and so on he is also an idolater. Any attachment towards material things is idolatry. How can it be abolished altogether? When the thought does not take any such impression, if it comes it is thrown back automatically. But this is the case after a long reach. We should avoid the worship of concrete things so that we may rise above and catch it for the things better. There are men whom, anyhow practical hint for realisation be given, they will not leave the idolatry of the rocky type. There are a few examples with me whom I showed practically the state of realisation momentarily; and they felt it and appreciated very much but they are not prepared to leave their idols because they have become habituated to it. And their wisdom has become quite blunt. Discriminative power, they have already lost and that is the cause of our downfall. When the power of discrimination goes away then fear sets in. They will not leave it because their forefathers have been doing so all along. This is one thing. Another thing is, they think that if they leave it, some calamity will befall them. This is our tragical story.


Love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra