1. Regularity in Sadhana is a most important
thing. But ritualistic adherence does not help
much as the practice in spirit is more effective.
Therefore try to cultivate the habit of remembering
the Master in all that you do and think.
2. One thing that we should learn in life is
to be grateful and then count the blessings
we get from our Lord. This attitude helps us
to be happy and also develop contentment.
3. Absolute sincerity and willingness to yield
to the Master is the only sure path to success.
4. Unless we develop the attitude of forbearance
and fortitude many precious gems in spiritual
life do not come. The tough the polishing the
greater the shine of the gem. Take everything
as a Divine Blessings for your own good. Also
note that we are responsible for most of the
trouble we have - it is our own samskaras and
no one is to blame or find fault with.
5. Faith in yourself, in the method and above
all in Master will carry you through all the
walks of life.
6. Learn to be grateful to the Master for whatever
blessing you have. That is the proper attitude
to develop.
7. There is no need to repeat our thanks for
every occasion of happiness bestowed on us.
It is necessary that the thankful state of mind
is ingrained in our consciousness and our acts
must express such gratefulness.
8. Knowing our lapses is the initial stage and
correction the next stage, the last stage is
not to repeat the lapses by offering prayer
as advised in the 10th Commandment.
9. Please leave the habit of intellectualising
and that will enable you to get out of the habit
of comparison. Every one of us get what we deserve
as the Samavarthi cannot do anything otherwise.
10. Do not worry about the past, always work
in the present. That is the path of spirituality.
11. Never entertain negative thoughts- they
weaken the will. Do not give negative suggestions
to yourself.
Points to Remember
1. Ours is always a positive
2. Evening cleaning, Bedtime prayer and prayer
at 9o clock are useful to rid of our undue attachments
and avoidable attachments. Mellowness of heart
and kindness to others would develop faster.
3. God gives opportunities to develop certain
qualities and attitudes in life. Never He gives
the qualities directly.
4. Humility is a virtue that develops in our
system naturally.
5. Fortitude and forbearance are great virtues
which we develop naturally in our system.
6. Patience, forbearance, fortitude etc., are
preliminaries in the path which leads to the
realm of humility.
7. Patience is a virtue that we need to develop
in doing sadhana.
8. In spirituality the main thing to learn is
patience, waiting, tolerance and forbearance.
9. Purity is something that has no limit.
10. Sloth and laziness of any type is not good.
Many think that they should be in the meditative
mood always. This is not correct. We should
do our duty.
11. Circumstances are there and it is for us
to tune to them and always try to attend to
our spiritual as well as mundane duties as earnestly
as we can.
12. Laziness and sloth are to be rid off with
effort only. This can be done by keeping the
Infinite journey in view.
13. Rituals have a binding effect and those
who seek true realisation/enlightenment cannot
yield to rituals.
14. Intellect has got its own advantages and
limitations and most of the time the arguments
we have is nothing but a scratching we do to
get rid of itching.
15. The extent of humility we develop is directly
proportional to the progress in the path of
infinity. The more we feel our lowliness the
more we advance in spiritual life. Ofcourse
this should not be something that is done artificially.
16. Development of Viveka in our system happens
faster due to the help from the Master.
17. Dedicating all work and experience to Master
is the easiest way to stop formation of samskaras.
18. Falterings are never the problems it is
only falls which disable us to rise that is
the problem.
19. Please note that you are never the doer
and it is He who works.
20. Persons on the path of spirituality owe
an obligation to improve the environment. Cleaning
and purification of oneself naturally precedes
the attempt to better others.
21. The days of Basant (celebrations) are vital
to spirituality and during those days we should
maintain our link with Him consciously.
22. It is our duty to make every possible effort
to spread the message of the Master.
23. If The Ultimate resignation is there then
the journey is over.
24. It is necessary that we should understand
that every individual is an expression of the
Divine and if any one seeks our help it is our
fortune and a great opportunity for service
given to us.
25. It is necessary that the self gets moulded
to such an extent that the Master alone is visible
for others or the display of Master through
the self is total.
26. There is every need to own up the conditions
of the Pind Desh if one wants to move in the
higher regions.
27. To talk about transformation in the human
life without its consequent effects being felt
in the social and normal life, is a mere guffaw.
28. Greed and avarice in Spirituality is worse
than it is in Materialistic life.
29. For every grain of knowledge ten grains
of Wisdom are required.