1. How to mould kama
and krodha?
Master said ¡¡ãKama and Krodha come to us
from God while the next two i.e., Lobha and Moha
are our own creation.We can not give up what comes
to us from God but we can only modify them so
as to bring them to proper regulation required
for the Divine living. If Kama is some how destroyed
intelligence will vanish altogether, because it
is closely connected with the intelligence centre.If
Krodha is destroyed a man will not be able to
proceed either towards God or towards the world.
Really it is only Krodha that excites actions
which is thus a necessary requirement of an embodied
soul.¡¡À Therefore we have to control / modify
2. What is the method
for controlling Kama and Krodha?
The Heart is the place of Manas (Feelings). They
are broadly categorised as upper and lower level
Vrittis. They are psychic in nature. The lower
region pertains to the 'existential' and material
aspects and the upper region of the Heart to aspirational.
In the upper region of the Heart lower type of
super consciousness functions. Assiduous practice
of the methods given by the institute and support
of Pranahuti through individual sittings are essential
to live in the upper plane. The consciousness
at the upper region is of the nature of altruistic
thoughts and a sigh of relief from the oppressive
lower tendencies like sex, food etc. Capacity
for feeling (spiritual) increases / improves while
one lives in the upper region. Further discrimination
grows, determination becomes stronger and capacity
to practice Yama and Niyamas grows. Meditation
on Pt A & B are very essential to move and
remain at upper. Pranahuti supports this too.
3. Why Point A Meditation at 9.00 P.M
Point A meditation is done prior to bed-time Prayer
for not more than 10 Minutes. The thought to be
maintained at point A is that "All men and
women are my brothers and sisters". This
helps in checking the indulgences of the mind
and improprieties of conduct.
At 9.00 P.M "All are to meditate thinking
that all brothers and sisters are being filled
up with love and devotion and that real faith
is growing stronger in them." This is to
be done for 15 Minutes. Precisely Rev. Babuji
Maharaj did not indicate that this meditation
is to be done on Point A. however, it is the experience
of the ISRC practicants that this meditation if
done with attention at location of Point A, is
most effective. When all the practicants meditate
/ pray at a particular time as given by the Master
(9.00 P.M sharp), the collective and cumulative
effect would be stronger and very effective. If
for some reason one could not sit at 9.00 P.M
on some occasions, one may resort to this prayer
whenever he feels inclined to.
4. Little thoughts do come and I must
have much more focus. I do feel the effect of
this part of sadhana.
Meditation on these points gives us results
which years of austerity and penance cannot give.
Please do practice sincerely and you will see
the result yourself. Control over indriyas is
the key to balance and that can be easily achieved
through practice of these meditations.
5. Sometimes I am very
much focused, sometimes not. I have to improve
a lot in Point A.
The meditation on these points is the
key to the effectiveness of the system. So please
do try and practice these regularly.
6. Felt the need for
help from Master since the lower tendencies cannot
be controlled completely by self. Felt bit sleepy
on some of the days.
Very true-lower tendencies of mind cannot
be controlled easily by self-effort as advocated
in tradition. The method of meditations on Points
A and B are the means for attaining control and
moderation in this realm.
7. Many sensual thoughts
but when started thinking that they were Master¡¯s
thought they vanished.
That can only be temporary. Note also
to what level you are trying to degrade the Master
when you adopt this method, even temporarily.
Assiduous practice of A and B meditation is the
only way. During meditations if these thoughts
come you can as well brush them aside instead
of trying to force them out.
8. Its a very common
phenomena wherein the friction amongst brothers
and sisters increase when the head of the family
dies. It had happened in my family too. After
my father passed away, there developed some issues
amongst us. I have one brother living a couple
of miles from my residence. Even we don¡¯t
maintain healthy relationship. Because of this
kind of relationships I posses, I am finding it
very difficult to suppose the thought of ¡®Universal
Brotherhood¡¯. I feel that I am cheating
The Divine. What should I do?
It is a very serious question. Yes, I
agree that when we are not able to practice some
thing in our own home how can we apply it to others.
But the point of A is a knot that is formed in
the flow of consciousness which takes three streams
one to L portion of heart (animality), to Atman
centre ( our true interdependent nature) and point
A ( possessiveness). If we want to get rid of
possessiveness we need to learn to share and loosen
our fist hold. We cannot do this directly and
therefore the method of meditation on Point A
which is a positive way of looking at things.
Inefficient we may be in the beginning; but by
constant meditation we become effective in the
meditation. As a matter of fact small family concerns
which are also possessive in nature give way and
we enter to the realm of the universal consciousness
and live in Vasudhaika kutumbam; that is universal
family. Fraternity is a concept that is brought
in here to learn non possessiveness and the principles
of sharing. There is no question of cheating God
or any one else. We are struggling to progress
and this is the most effective method ever provided
to humanity. We are to be totally and unconditionally
grateful to the Master for this.
9. I could not maintain
the thought on point A all the time.
Meditation on point A and B are the keys
for progress. These are not meditations of a passive
nature and it is our duty to maintain our thought
on the theme as pointed out by the Master. If
we do not have that determination very little
can be said to have been done to deserve progress.
It is difficult as the sensuousness is not that
easy to get rid off.
10. On some days I had
to continue point B for more than 15 min. This
was despite the fact that the cleaning done the
previous day was apparently of good quality
It is enough if you do point B meditation
for 10 mts. It automatically gnaws into the meditation
proper. Point B meditation is not a purificatory
process per-se. Here the attention is more on
the glow of self that is coming to view.
11. Feel less angry,
while facing day-to-day life problems.
Anger and Passion need to be controlled
as much as possible. Meditation on points A and
B will be useful.
12. Point A and bed time
prayer was done in haste as if ritualistically.
Frustration due to the sensual thoughts and my
inability to regulate my mind in this aspect.
Sensual thoughts are controlled only
by meditation on points A and B. It is not easy.
All your life so far entertaining those thoughts
and they are settled patterns of thinking and
it takes time to rid off them by replacing in
its place nobler thoughts. When we try to replace
them with other mundane concerns it is not all
that easy to control sensual thoughts. But for
this alone saints and sages went to forest.
13. During first half
of the month there was some frustration and felt
like I was continuously fighting with lower vrittis.
With Master's Grace frustration and conflict has
reduced a lot, but still need more control over
lower vrittis.
Frustration at what ? Yourself ? Your
effort ? The lower tendencies of our mind is our
making while the energy itself is what He has
given. Your effort at B and A point meditations
has to be more sincere and purposeful. What we
should do we should. Inshah Allah is good poetry
and bad practice.
14. Few times I observed
that I lost awareness of body and surroundings
after prayer or Meditation on Point B.
Prayer before morning meditation or bed
time is placing ourselves before the Master consciously
our lowly nature. How can then any one get into
unawareness? Obviously you are not doing the prayer
consciously with a full heart loaded with lowliness.
Similarly point B meditation is an active process
of willing that impurities are going away and
the light from with in is coming to the front.
How can this act lead to unawareness? Please follow
the instructions of the Master implicitly.
More on Point A &
B Meditations
Meditations on point A and B are the
key for progress. These are not meditations of
a passive nature and it is our duty to maintain
our thought on them as pointed out by the Master.
If we do not have that determination, very little
can be said to have been done to deserve progress.
It is difficult as the sensuousness is not that
easy to get rid off.
Cleaning of the lower self consciously by other
practices than what the Master has stated I feel,
do not yield any great results and in fact this
only strengthens our ego and also grants us a
feeling we are self-reliant. Meditation on points
A and B are excellent methods and we should rely
on them more and more.
Point A Meditation
You cannot thrust spirituality on to
any person however dear to us. Universal brotherhood,
you may feel should enable us to do this. Then
why only those whom we know? Why not all? The
prayer on point A talks of praying for all, not
only to those whom we know however good they may
appear to be. The question is not goodness but
the commitment to sadhana and to Masters' work.
Point B Meditation
Doing just point B meditation alone is
not enough as that is only preparatory to the