1. Why is it necessary
to proceed with meditation at the first stage
of Raja Yoga?
It is quite plain and simple. We are now gathering
ourselves at one point so that our individual
mind may leave its habit of wandering about, which
it has formed. It is now metamorphosing its habit.
Meditation is the foundation of spirituality.
2. Meditation is passive. You do nothing.
How can it give results?
We meditate on the heart supposing Divine Light
to be there. It means you are playing on your
own heart, which is itself a sport and a work.
You know you are meditating; that means doing
something; and the place on which you work, the
heart, is also there. And you have to reach your
goal; this idea is also there, and you wait for
some thing subconsciously. That means you are
not inert but so busy that you are doing three
things at the same time. So passivity is lost
in activity.
3. What about light? Should we see light?
It is a mere supposition that light is there in
the heart. It is a suggestion.
4. Why we have to meditate
on the heart?
We generally take the Heart for meditation. It
is the pumping station of the blood. The heart
sends out blood, after purification, to different
nerves and cells of the body. Now we have taken
the heart as the centre of meditation, the blood
that runs throughout our system is affected. One's
solidity due to our own thoughts and actions begins
to melt away. This is the first thing we begin
to gain.
5. Do we need to concentrate during meditation?
Concentration is the automatic and natural result
of meditation. Those who insist on concentration
in place of meditation and force their mind to
it generally meet with failure. The Basis of Meditation
is purely spiritual while that of concentration
is only the ego.
6. What is the difference between Mind
and Heart? Why are impressions formed on heart
Mind is the awareness instrument where as the
Heart is the feeling instrument. According to
tradition Mind has four components functionally.
Manas (Flowing quality), Buddhi (Discriminative
/ determining faculty), Chit (The mind stuff)
and Ahankar (Ego / I'ness). All the four put together
is the mind. All sensory knowledge received (inputs)
through senses / indriyas is integrated through
several complex phenomena and mind when get attached
to these become s aware and heart feels it. Rev
Babuji explained that field of action of the mind
is Heart and all impressions get settled there.
All attachments are of the nature of feelings
and they reside in Heart.
7. What happens when
we meditate?
When we meditate the Central Power we have remains
in force. It disperses the overwhelming clouds
which are greatly fried up by its force. Only
an abhyasi can feel it practically. The mind is
disciplined and automatically regulated. Senses
begin to come under control.
8. Suppose impure thoughts come during
meditation, what to do Babuji?
You should be unmindful. When you are shifted
away you must try to come to the original thought.
Our attention should be made to the main i.e.
the goal of life. If there are no thoughts for
an abhyasi, he must write to his Guru. Thoughts
must come. Thoughts should come. If a man regularly
meditates, thoughts will subside slowly.
9. As an abhyasi continues
to meditate year after year will the process become
easier or will thoughts continue to come?
The intensity of the thoughts will be reduced,
but not in a day. Meditate longer and bring it
up to one hour. Then see the results.
10. Can we be in a thoughtless condition?
I am telling you it is not possible to be in a
totally thoughtless condition, life would not
be there. All that is necessary is to change the
nature of our thought.
11. What about the visions and experiences
felt in meditation?
Visions are unnecessary and have really speaking
no value as indicators of spiritual progress.
A vision is nothing but a locked up impressions
being allowed to surface by the cleaning process.
Therefore all that come out as visions are nothing
but earlier impressions formed in us by our own
thoughts and actions. Visions have no value in
spiritual life.
12. How do you differentiate
between sleep and samadhi?
Sleep relates to matter, and samadhi to spirit.
13. Do we have to do morning meditation
at fixed hours?
Yes, Morning Meditation at fixed hours help a
lot to orient to Master with ease and derive maximum
benefit out of the practice.
14. Why meditation is only for one hour
in the morning? Why not more?
Even to meditate for one hour most people are
giving excuses. One hour morning meditation is
prescribed and not more that one hour. If any
one is inclined after a gap of few hours, one
may meditate or better one maintains a prayful
orientation to the Master and spend the time (leisure)
in studying the books prescribed by the Institute
to develop understanding and grasp and also to
remain oriented or listen to audio cassettes of
the Masters. This would be of immense benefit
to the Abhyasi.
15. When we sit for Meditation we offer
another seat/Asan in front of us and we feel the
Master's presence there. Is this Special Seat
something to be considered for the Guru/Master
who is different from the God within us?
The Practice of offering a seat for the
Master is a means by which the trainer does not
allow himself to think that he is the doer and
it is the Master only who helps the practicant.
This is an effective means to control Ego on the
part of the sadhaka as well as trainer.
16. During the morning
meditation we feel the Divine light within us
where as during cleaning process and satsanghs
& sittings we receive from outside. Could
you kindly explain?
This is an interesting question. We
accept that the Divine Light is within, in the
morning meditation and at any time we meditate.
The Divine light also we say is without luminosity
since it cannot be defined. De-finite, you see
is a word by which we try to finite something.
God is Infinite and therefore the difficulty of
defining Him. Satsanghs/Group meditations are
those in our system where the trainer exercises
his will and we experience the Pranahuti. As already
explained Pranahuti has its origin only in Origin/Base.
But it is the trainer who channels it not as a
medium in the ordinary sense but is a medium of
Supra consciousness of the Brahmanda level at
the least. The Master as an external being is
not true and is incorrect. He is the in-dweller
and yet the Lord of the Universe. It is religions
which have externalised God and made Him alien
to us. The Yoga marga is also called Dahara Vidya.
Dahara is the Akasa or space within our heart.
Our Lord who is within is also residing in every
form of existence as their internal reality. It
is these internal realities that are apparently
apart from us that is felt as external existences.
17. Meditation was bit
disturbed due to body pain but felt light and
When body is not well it has its problems
to offer to us, but there is no one without physical
ailments. If the body-me confusion is gotten rid
off you may accept these problems easily.
18. How would I know
if thoughts are getting suppressed or naturally
going away?
In our system there is no question of suppression.
We do not give any such suggestions. Suppressions
and repressions are efforts with certain techniques.
In our system we ask you to meditate on the Divine
light without luminosity. This concept is trans-rational
as rationally we cannot think of any light without
luminosity. We are expressing our helplessness
to know the Divinity by giving this suggestion
and wait on God to help us. Here subconsciousness
is also not involved as we are not catering to
any needs or urges or drives which relate to that
realm. So the question of suppression of that
does not arise. What happens there is a resolution
of conflicts before the super-consciousness. If
we are accustomed to Hindu imagery it is like
the Great Serpent (Adisesha) and Garuda being
together in the presence of Lord Vishnu. You know
they are sworn enemies but in the presence of
God they remain calm and quiet. Similarly the
mental states which are turbulent for various
reasons, for some time at least, calm down and
get settled under the influence of Pranahuti in
our system.
19. During meditation
I am thoughtless for brief periods. I get absorbed
many times for brief durations and at times for
longer durations.
The brief moments of the thoughtless
condition reminds us gently of the Ultimate state
that we have to arrive at. Imperience per se does
not matter much. It is reflection on such feelings
that enables us to progress faster.
20. During meditations
the irritations and restlessness keep on reducing.
The number of thoughts also reduce. I become aware
of my concerns and my reaction to them. Sometimes
there is a sensation on my forehead just above
the mid point of my eyebrows.
Please meditate on the Divine light in
the heart. No light need be assumed and I think
you know that. The first thing we all would notice
is that there is a rush of thoughts and if we
contemplate we get astonished at the type of thoughts
we are capable of. THE ONLY WAY TO GET AT THE
irritations and restlessness will not be there.
Only when we give weight to them these reactions
are there. The sensation in the points near Trikuti
is a common experience of the abhyasis in this
system and it has nothing to do with progress
at this stage.
21. Trying to recollect
the feelings after the meditation, but unable
to recollect anything.
Please do not bother to recollect your feelings.
If the feelings are remembered on its own then
record the same and that is the way of brushing
aside the thoughts that come during meditations.
22. I am not doing meditation according
to the timings, and for the prescribed timings
because of excessive pressure in the work.
When work is very heavy it is best to
think after completion of the work on hand that
the Master was remembering you all the while you
were at work. I have practically experienced the
advantage from this method and I am sure you would
also be benefited if you adopt this method.
23. Most of the times
my sadhana is between 5:10 AM and 6:30 AM. Sometimes
it is between 5:30 and 6:50. Point B goes for
20 Mins.
As for the fixed hour there is bound
to be variation of a few minutes - even the Sun
rises at different times! It is necessary to have
the spirit of the Commandment rather than the
letter while implementing the same.
24. If due to any reason
I get up late in the morning, do you want me to
sit in meditation after sunrise or not? Today
I am sitting even after sunrise.
You may meditate after the Sunrise also.
But as far as possible do it at a fixed time.
Not doing meditation because of delay is not correct.
25. Thoughts regarding
service to Master and school are more during meditation
as well as during daytime.
To think about service during meditation
is not correct. We should dwell on the Divine
only. These ideas have a place later in the day.
26. Last week as I came
to a place where there is a time difference of
2hrs and other personal reasons I couldn't do
my sadhana as expected. Though I did the morning
meditation and evening cleaning regularly but
couldn't do before sunrise and was missing 9pm
Please do not bother for the occasional
variations in timings necessitated by the circumstances.
The rigid routine that Nature observes is however
not possible in actual living of human beings.
We should try, as far as possible to be in tune
with Nature and follow what we traditionally call
27. When I meditate on
"Divine Light Without Luminosity", I
don¡¯t see any thing (mere darkness). But
today at the end of my morning meditation I felt
something got opened from inside the darkness
and I was entering into it. Immediately after
this thought I came out of absorption and I couldn't
continue meditation further.
The feeling of darkness during meditation
is common as the nature of the Knot 1 is like
that. As you penetrate deeper you will find light
which is generally coloured yellowish/orange,
so do not discontinue meditation till the duration
of the meditation is over.
28. Thoughts do haunt
me but I am able to overcome it and go back to
my meditation.
Thoughts will always be there. But try
to be in the thought of the Divine light only.
If you do not mind the thoughts they will soon
bid farewell.
29. How far am I from
my goal? How is my yielding to Master? A resolve
to do my sadhana assiduously. These are the predominant
thoughts. I feel absorbed and thougths related
to my sadhana come during meditation.
Goal is already determined and there
is little point in thinking about it during meditation.
Meditation should be on the Divine light only.
Absorbency or otherwise should be noted against
a thought and pure and simple word of absorbency
may even be morbid. Please try to meditate as
30. During morning meditations
I am feeling calm and absorbed. One day during
absorption I saw rotating light. Another day during
absorption I saw bright light. And another day
during absorption I saw some particles swimming
in space.
I hope these experiences did not affect
your meditation. Light is something that we experience
whenever there is some slight obstruction to the
flow of Pranahuti. This is very common and you
know light is not our goal.
31. Sometimes I am aware
of thoughts and I am trying not to go after thoughts,
but I am going after thoughts sometimes.
We must have an irrevocable determination
to get rid of our intentional consciousness and
then only we can reach our goal. Therefore we
should brush aside thoughts that come to fruition
during the meditation. Otherwise the samskaras
do not get reduced.
32. After the start of
5 minutes the meditations are mostly absorbing
and in this absorption also, some are with consciousness
without any thoughts only simple silence.
It is this experience that has to lead
us to the awareness that nothing is real except
this Nothingness. And this forms the basis for
getting rid of attachments of all kinds. Contemplation
on this condition is the path. Just to say ¡¡ãThat
is the condition and it is very high¡¡À serves
little purpose. This is what I call Imperience
33. Some meditations
are without consciousness with experiences like
This type of experiences arise when Visuddha
Chakra is active and dream like states inform
us of the samskaras that are holding us and the
struggle of the psyche is indicated.
34. During morning meditation
I had a dream like state where I found myself
working in my office with reappointment after
the retirement with salary and in the office I
suddenly sit on the floor and after that I cannot
get up inspite of my best efforts I cannot even
drag myself and after sufficient turmoil I come
back to senses and then feel OH! I am in meditation.
The idea of reappointment etc., are all
connected to attachment to money and your psyche
is informing you of the attachment you have for
the same inspite of its repeated efforts to pull
35. During morning meditation
I had a dream like state where I was by the side
of a river and it will be in spate and I will
be watching it.
Attachment to the sensuous - note that
water means emotional attachment as I have explained
in Path of Grace.
36. During the meditations
sometimes involuntarily bedtime prayer repentance
comes to mind and I really repent for having come
away from Him and sometimes the repentance will
be so deep that I shall weep for some time.
This is not proper. There is a time and
a place for everything. It is not bedtime prayer
that comes to you-it is only repentance which
is good but not at the right time. Meditation
is waiting on Master. Repentance is seeing ourselves
in a mirror.
37. Felt surrender to
Master for spiritual guidance, felt a thoughtless
state after. Another day felt complete submission,
calm and balanced afterwards.
Surrender is a condition that develops
after the development of Viveka, Vairagya, Svasvaroopa
Jnana and Bhakti. Spiritually it is a high condition.
The point I make is that we should be clear about
the various spiritual conditions that emerge in
the inner core of our being and then express our
feelings. It is good, calmness and balanced conditions
are being felt but you may kindly note that whenever
we think of God we get calmness and whenever we
think of ourselves and our problems we get disturbed.
(Please do read the articles on Control of Mind
and Concentration of our beloved Master).
38. Felt unhappy for
lacking devotion. On 10th, at the end, felt heavy,
tightness below the neck slightly to the left
for about 5 minutes. Also felt bliss with complete
absorption. Initially had some thoughts about
spiritual miracles by Raghavendra swami of mantralaya.
Also had thoughts about understanding others thoughts.
Had a feeling of cleaning someone else known to
be very much disturbed. Felt heat in the forehead
during this.
Devotion is also a spiritual condition
that develops and the feeling called devotion
when we start our sadhana is a magnified expression
of our awareness of a force above us which seems
to respond to our prayers etc., Such a force tends
to get personified into various forms according
to the tradition in which one is born. Each of
us accepts a saint or Mahatma as the case may
be, as the representative of that force. During
meditation we should be on the task of maintaining
the thought of Divine Light in the heart and memory
of various expressions of the Divine or trying
to be aware of the greatness of the Divine would
be deviating from the task on hand. Forehead is
too broad an area to be of any significance spiritually
¡§C try to localize the feelings when it may
become possible to assess your condition. Sufferings
are too many and each has his share in the miseries
and afflictions and meditation is not the time
to think about and pray for other persons and
their difficulties.
39. One very peculiar
thing I experienced this month and probably before
also few times was that during meditation/satsangh
my condition changes suddenly with a jerk, from
somewhat disturbed/unsettled state to a very calm,
peaceful and settled state. It happens suddenly
and the new state is like a calm lake and brings
Meditation starts generally with a few
thoughts relating mostly to that day¡¯s activities
or the matters of the past few days, then the
thought gets stabilised on the object of meditation
for sometime and at this time it lapses into a
state of absorbency. Then again the cycle starts.
This phase in meditation is passed over as we
advance in meditation where we get thoughts in
the beginning and then there is continuous state
of absorbency.
40. Divine thought was
present all the time during meditation.
Even so this condition will not be something
that would last; we go through states of laya
many times in our march to Infinity.
41. On one particular
day felt gross after meditation due to disturbing
thoughts related to office work.
You felt the effects of the thoughts
as disturbing during meditation. But to say that
you felt gross is not correct. The weight of the
thoughts continued because of excessive attachment
to work related problems. These thoughts do not
form usually samskaras and cannot be considered
anything other than mala of a kind. Do not worry;
these are common for sadhakas and we should learn
to ignore them.
42. After 1/2 hour I
find it difficult to meditate since asan (stable
position) becomes unstable.
Try shifting the posture and continue
the meditation for the full one hour.
43. Prayed to Master
to give more satisfactory results with meditation
so that the bliss of life will not come in the
We should not ask for anything in meditation.
Meditation on the Divine light in the heart is
done and we wait on Master. It is for Him to give
or not give. Do not commit this mistake of asking
for conditions.
44. The predominant feeling
I noticed during this month is love towards master
during meditation. After the completion of the
meditation most of the time I am feeling calmness.
Love is a great word and has many meanings.
Love carries with it many times the idea of possessiveness
also. Watch out for the shade of feeling which
you call Love. Love also demands that we should
be prepared to die for the thing/person loved.
Try to bring in more appropriate words to express
your feelings- dedicated ness, devotion, faith,
servitude, service etc.
45. Felt bit restless
after the meditation for not seeing the ultimate.
Ultimate condition is something where
the ego which turns into individuality and later
into identity is lost almost.
46. ¡¡ãThoughts arise
when they are not in tune with divine¡¡À During
meditation the thoughts that we get are of several
types. If we broadly classify them as divine and
undivine, then the divine thoughts (good thoughts,
altruistic thoughts, thoughts related to Master,
thoughts related to our institute etc.) that we
get during the meditation, are they also rejected
by the mind as undivine?
In the strict sense of the term YES.
They mostly relate to our being the ¡®doers¡¯
and hence get ejected.
47. You had mentioned
that we must maintain our alertness during our
meditation constantly and we will receive suggestions
as flashes. We must catch them and implement them.
These suggestions also come as thoughts during
meditation. Then how do we distinguish these suggestions
with the rejections of the mind that we see as
Practice makes these things clear. When
the suggestions are such as to promote ¡®self
centredness¡¯ they are of the impure mind.
When the individual mind consisting of buddhi,
ahankar and manas is purified we get these flashes
otherwise they are mostly imaginations that may
be good or bad. Cleaning is the most important
aspect in sadhana and when mind is purified, that
is its orientation is towards nothing else than
the Divine it receives and gives suggestions of
the right type.
48. Last four weeks or
so, I felt too much of dryness in my morning sittings,
satsanghs and individual sittings. Sometimes I
used to wonder what has gone wrong. Have I fallen?
Unexcited conditions are the best in
the meditations we perform. Surely there must
have been thoughts and they also should be of
the higher order though not the highest. Non-concentration
concentration or absorption is our way. Prajna
(awareness) should be there. Please read Rev Babuji
articles on Control of mind and Concentration.
49. In the month of Feb.
(especially first two weeks) I was having hard
time sitting through a complete meditational session.
There used to come some strong force from inside,
which would take me out of it in about 20-30 minutes.
There was absolutely no disturbance mentally or
otherwise. Rest of the day I was usual self. Is
it normal?
Such a feeling is normal when one is
over filled. As that is your condition due to
Pranahuti offered with long lasting effects it
is just possible you may feel so. BUT DO CONTINUE
50. A conscious awareness
of waiting during meditations has come about in
recent times now I wait to receive Master¡¯s
Grace and Love and started knowing my insignificance.
You will mature to keep quiet rather
than anticipate even His Grace. When do we have
it not that you seek it during meditation? It
is not Grace or love that you seek but something
other than that! Meditate and you will come to
know one day.
51. During meditations
I feel normally absorbed and when coming out of
it, feel like everything is frozen and vibrations
have stopped.
Vibration is felt only when there is
difference in the frequency. So vibration never
abates; it goes on all the time working till one
reaches his state of perfection when all vibrations
unify into one of the Consciousness of Sri Ramchandra.
52. After Meditation
felt complete silence and there is only Master
or sometimes feeling kind of lost.
Try to abide in the condition and feeling
silent try to note the corrective messages received
in the core of the heart. At first you may find
it difficult but as you learn silence this develops
53. There is greater
ease to ignore thoughts, as the internal silence
is more dominant. But, sometimes I seem to be
attached to some positive thoughts and seemed
to be contemplating about them and drifting away.
I am still not able to distinguish between just
observing the thoughts during meditation and actually
getting affected by them.
We neither try to observe the thoughts
nor get involved in them. We ignore them almost
refusing to have a cognizance. I can understand
your difficulty. Thoughts though we want to ignore
still draw our attention. Thoughts relate to 5
kosas and are of 5 levels (moodha to samadhan).
Your statement above regarding ' positive thoughts'
I presume must be related to good thoughts relating
morality or spirituality. They may be just thoughts
of doing good to others also. We will not be in
a position to brush aside thoughts relating to
the Divine or of the Divine itself. But since
they will not be thrown out by the mind we tend
to get absorbed in them. That being the case what
are these good/positive thoughts that seem to
get ejected by the mind and draw our attention?
Many times they are pseudo divine and many more
times simply good will to others. And it is difficult
to brush them off if they were some relating to
our pet notions learned and / or unlearned. But
practice in PAM enables you to learn to ignore
them over a period of time.
54. I felt a lot of undivine
thoughts come and go during meditations. But every
time it used to result in calmness and settledness.
This feeling used to stay with me throughout the
Undivine thoughts arise both in the state
of Kshipta at the beginning of meditations as
also after the state of Ekagravritti due to vacuum
that is created in our hearts which are filled
by these thoughts emerging from deep within. This
second one is bhog and that is why we feel light
55. During the morning
meditation had the feeling of Sthithaprajnathva.
Settledness or Balancedness is the equivalent
in our system to the concept of Sthithaprajnathva.
Only when the doer, knower and enjoyer in us dies
this condition prevails all the time. That day
is not far off if you genuinely practice.
56. Usually at about
50 mins I get a rush of thoughts either from past
OR of immediate nature and I come out of meditation.
Only very few days I disregarded this rush of
thoughts and continued. Many a times these are
thoughts of embarrassing moments from my past.
As the thoughts that are lying buried
deep down are coming out for evaporation, you
are stopping meditation because of the unkindly
nature of thoughts. This is not correct. Please
continue meditation till the 1hr period is over.
Patience and forbearance starts with our own thoughts
first and then only it becomes natural with that
of others. You cannot change the nature of thoughts
that arise during meditation from the deep layers
of consciousness, as they are your own collected
and coolly stored in the depths of your being.
Learn to know them and develop humility if necessary
by the process of repentance.
57. During meditation
the number of thoughts substantially decrease
and for brief periods I am in an absorbed condition.
Reduction in the number of thoughts is
good, though it is not necessarily a sign of progress.
Thoughts are bound to be with us- the nature of
thoughts whether they are heavy with matters relating
to the physical and vital spheres or light with
matters relating to aspirations and the goal is
what requires to be studied.
58. I try to do some
amount of cleaning prior to next day morning meditation
to alleviate its effect on meditation.
Do not try any cleaning method in the
morning before meditation. It is enough and proper
to do B point meditation for 10 minutes before
59. During morning meditations
the thought pattern shifted from sensuous to routine
to divine few times.
Thoughts relating to sensuous or routine
need not engage our attention so far as they are
all within the limits of moderation and does not
border on the impulsive tendencies. But we need
to note the shades of thoughts of the divine to
assess our condition. It is good you feel calm
for considerable time after the meditation many
a time. Till the individual consciousness gets
molded into the Sri Ramchandra Consciousness and
all our actions take a dip in the same this problem
will be there and that is sadhana.
60. For sometime I have
felt increasingly more sensual thoughts during
meditations. By the grace of Master I have consciously
managed not to get carried away/attracted by those
thoughts during the meditation. I have not made
any deliberate attempt to recollect them after
meditation. I must say that it felt like a wave
of sensual thoughts has passed by for some days
frequently Now, for the past week, seems like
I am out of that wave and feel much more calm
steady during meditation. Now I feel what a wonderful
practical demonstration of Master's help, during
meditation, I have gone through. I am truly grateful
to my Master for the help received and I shall
serve Him
more determinately within my abilities.
By now you must have realised that sensuous
thoughts are not unnatural even though one is
in Brahmand and even moved out of Ajna chakra.
We are grateful to the Master for this understanding
and many more which happen so naturally.
61. Couple of times I
have felt some lack of interest to do meditational
practices but I have forced myself despite, not
to break continuity.
The lack of interest develops mainly
because the realm in which we move is subtle and
we find ourselves pushed out. We should persevere.
62. Earlier in last month
I used to lose the awareness of time and thought
during meditation like sleepy or less aware. That
feeling does not happen now.
Awareness during meditation will be there
so long we keep in view the Divinity. If we start
trying to know our own condition there is only
non-awareness. But the force of Pranahuti is such
most of the sadhakas tend to lose conscious awareness.
63. During Morning meditation
I noticed that the thoughts were on the Goal and
yielding to the Master.
That we have feelings of yielding means,
there is some resistance. Please find out the
thoughts that are hindering such a submission
to his will and try to avoid them. The thought
of yielding is only a phase, we should move on
to the stage where we do not feel the need for
yielding and should have a state of mind of submissiveness.
64. I observed deep silence
on more occasions. I was more alert during meditations.
After meditation felt deep silence for some more
time & as I was engaged in activities, that
silence was gone slowly. I am trying to maintain
such silent condition as long as I can.
You may kindly remember the Master who
grants you that silence or peace. As he puts it
we should be concerned with the peace maker rather
than peace itself.
65. Off late in meditation
initially there were day-to-day thoughts (intentional
Intentional consciousness would mean
literally any and everything or that we take into
consideration in our consciousness and are in
fact the basic datum for the formation of samskaras.
Using this word requires certain amount of circumspection.
Intended thoughts and unintended thoughts are
not the same as intentional consciousness. This
is only a matter of clarification that is not
really required.
66. During meditation
had thoughts that I should yield more, be more
attentive etc. that used to interfere, have reduced.
If we have to yield we should know also
to whom or what we should yield. If you gain the
understanding that it is the Sri Ramchandra Consciousness
to which we should yield and have a grasp of what
it is then yielding to that becomes easy. Otherwise
it is one more substitute for the feeling of Surrender
that is much talked about in religion and in other
places too.
67. During meditations,
there were thoughts about surrender.
During meditation as far as possible
try to be in the thought of Divine Light without
luminosity. Your feeling surrender is good but
that feeling has a tendency to make us feel comfortable.
If we remember the thought of meditation we shall
be always restless- though there may be deep quiet
experienced by us after and during meditation
68. During morning meditation
once I felt the Divine Grace is flowing towards
my heart and suddenly there was lot of pressure
and my heart started beating very fast for few
minutes and after that I observed the deep state
of silence.
Watch your pulse rate and it is my observation
that over a period of time the pulse rate comes
down to almost 50. But you need not bother about
that as it is a self-regulatory matter.
69. Previously I used
to get up from meditation whenever a single thought
disturbs me a lot. But now I am able to go on
with my meditation because whenever a thought
disturbs me I say the prayer again and then it
vanishes. This is one change I could observe during
Thoughts will be there; only its nature
will vary. That depends on so many factors- age,
maturity, life experience and finally our determination.
The question you can put for yourself is, are
you 1. Artha arti ie one seeking money or prosperity,
2. Kama arti ie one seeking pleasures including
carnal pleasures 3. Dharma arti ie one who seeks
to do righteous things and 4. Moksha arti ie one
who seeks liberation. According to these goals
you have you will get thoughts. You know you are
all these and something more also. But do you
seek these 1.By virtuous means or 2. By hook or
crook is the vital question. I know you seek what
ever you want through righteous means. So thoughts
will relate to these areas. But then how are they
disturbing? It is because we have a notion that
we should have only one particular type of thought
and that is what causes disturbance. That is the
point which Master wants us to understand and
ignore all of them as irrelevant with reference
to our goal. In our system because of Pranahuti
it should be not difficult to sit in meditation
for 1hr. which you are already doing. Firm up
your determination and the goal is not far off-
that is balanced existence is a surety.
70. During meditation
thoughts are generally about yesterday¡¯s
or latest events, pending work, some are divine
and some are related to past events. Not worrying
or repeating.
Thoughts are bound to be there till they
are totally exhausted. Of course now and then
due to influx of Pranahuti we feel total void.
The process may be better understood as firstly
we get thoughts that are related to the recent
time including the day of meditation, secondly
we get thoughts related to the Master/goal and
related matters and thirdly we get thoughtless
condition and fourthly again the emergence of
thoughts which are mostly of the past (this we
call bhog) So get used to them and identify at
which level or kosa you have the problem and take
necessary action to rid of them.
71. Some days there is
no naturalness and tendency to force the mind
back onto divine light.
When we start our meditation with the
thought of Divine light without luminosity we
already make a suggestion to the sub-conscious
mind about the same. Therefore there is no need
to strain ourselves with any force. The work goes
on in the sub-conscious and naturally we may not
be aware. This aspect of the nature of mind is
generally not well understood and we insist on
consciously doing a thing.
72. During meditation
had many sensual thoughts but when started thinking
that they were Master¡¯s thought they vanished.
That can only be temporary. Note also
to what level we are trying to degrade the Master
when we adopt this method even temporarily. Assiduous
practice of B and A meditation is the only way.
During meditations if these thoughts come you
can as well brush them aside instead of trying
to force them out.
73. Sometimes I feel
sleepy and yawning during meditations.
Yawning is common among meditators because
the pulse rate goes down in a natural manner.
But sleepiness is not a very desirable condition.
Salient points on Morning
1. We are to meditate supposing the Divine Light
without luminosity in the heart where it beats
and not bother about many thoughts that cross
the mind treating them as unwanted guests. This
attitude of treating the thoughts as unwanted
guests has to be cultivated assiduously by us.
2. Please meditate on the heart only, not minding
the sensations in other parts of the body.
3. As the absorbency increases and also as we
continue to practice, the posture does not pose
a problem. You need not worry too much about small
adjustments in the posture done during meditation
which most of the times go automatically and not
4. During meditation we should maintain an attitude
of waiting and be grateful for whatever condition
that is gained.
5. Our attitude during meditation should be one
of yielding; that is, we should accept whatever
happens during that period and accept it as Divine
blessings. One of the fundamental truths in spirituality
is that God grants us what we need and not what
we seek. While we should be attentive during meditation
undue concern with our posture or gait or even
mood should not be there.
6. Expecting the quality of meditation is imposing
conditions on the Divine which is not a proper
attitude. Waiting on Divine is the attitude we
have to cultivate.
7. We should note that the system is dynamic and
the nature of meditation is not the same at all
times and there will be very perceptible changes
in the quality of meditation. In a moving bus
or train or walking the scenario changes while
in a stagnant state the same scene appears.
8. Expecting repeated experiences is not in tune
with the dynamic system.
9. Thoughts will always be there as they are going
out or getting evaporated due to the vacuum that
is generated due to meditation as per Pranahuti
Aided Meditation. Do not give too much attention
to them and ignore as already advised.
10. Thoughts will always be there but only its
nature will change. However the moments of Void
that we experience during meditation should give
you enough encouragement to steadily move in the
11. The calm and peace observed during meditation
is indication that the Divine is responding to
us and this should enable to strengthen our will
to move towards our goal with conviction and clarity
apart from confidence.
12. You may not bother about the thoughts that
drift as they are not interfering with the quality
of meditation. If however you find them distracting
try to keep your attention on the heart and the
light without luminosity. Since in such an effort
the eyes get set downwards though you have closed
your eyelids, a state of relatively high orientation
in meditation would result.
13. Existence of thoughts by itself is not to
be considered as poor meditation as our aim is
not concentration but only to get into a state
of absorbency in the thought of the Divine Light.
14. Meditations are absorbing or otherwise is
not a matter of great concern. Whether the goal
clarity is emerging and whether our progress in
that direction is improving is more relevant.
These aspects develop over a period of time. Patience
and perseverance are most important for success
in any field.
15. Feeling sleepy during meditations is not correct.
Try to be attentive and alert but never expect
16. To have consciousness during absorbency in
meditation is the most desirable way.
17. Total absorbency without any thoughts is good
but awareness during meditation is better as that
enables to maintain our status of being a devotee
18. Periods of absorbency are not permanent -
in fact they should not be so. At each stage of
development there will be absorbency or laya and
this will be a feature through your journey into
the Infinite.
19. Do not give much importance to the physical
and sensory experiences in meditation but give
much weight to the psychological states and observe
how your mental states evolve.
20. Work when you should work and play when you
should play. For me meditation has been a play
with Master and this attitude has helped me a
21. The best meditation, according to me is that
which leaves us in a restless state.
More Thoughts on Morning
During meditations we should try our best to be
oriented to the Divine Light without Luminosity.
This being a demand that mind cannot fulfil, it
will try its best to search its stacks to see
whether it has some memory which corresponds to
that demand. Since there is nothing like that,
it will throw out all that it has, according to
the other important and/ or recent time stimuli
it has been entertaining before meditation. If
we entertain any of them we waste our time during
meditation. If we ignore the mind comes to the
state where it says there is nothing corresponding
to the demand to locate Divine Light without Luminosity
and in that helplessness it settles down and calmness
is felt. That is the time the influx from the
Divine strikes its root in our mind/heart and
we start moving in the path.
There is no point in thinking about others attitudes
when they do not give happiness. As a matter of
fact our Master Revered Babuji said these afflictions
are necessary for developing forbearance and tolerance
the two virtues we should develop as we progress
in sadhana.
We are Atmans that is those who think and move.
This is our normal level of existence. During
meditations we come to know our real nature of
Brahman that is one who thinks and grows. Expansion
of Consciousness is direct revelation that our
true nature is to grow.
Non-Divine thoughts arise both in the state of
Kshipta at the beginning of meditations as also
after the state of ekagravrtti due to vacuum that
is created in our hearts which are filled by these
thoughts emerging from deep within. This second
one is bhog and that is why we feel light afterwards.
When the thought of the Divine light is given
in the beginning it continues in the background
subconsciously and you do not worry about whether
you are conscious of it or otherwise.
As the thoughts that are lying buried deep down
are coming out for evaporation, you are stopping
meditation because of the unkindly nature of thoughts.
This is not correct. Please continue meditation
till the 1hr period is over. Patience and forbearance
starts with our own thoughts first and then only
it becomes natural with that of others. You cannot
change the nature of thoughts that arise during
meditation from the deep layers of consciousness
as they are your own collected and coolly stored
in the depths of your being. Learn to know them
and develop humility if necessary by the process
of repentance.
Thoughts are all what we have stored in the deep
core of our heart and they do come up for evaporation
during meditation. Do not give any attention to
them and ignore them. That way they do not get
recharged and get deeper but we feel light as
if we are off from a load.
Calmness and peace are the refuse of the reality
we are with during the meditations. The Void or
nothingness that we feel during the meditation
is the real taste of the Real. Our consciously
remembering that and moulding ourselves is all
sadhana about.
Thoughts during meditation will be there and it
is only the nature of thoughts that varies. From
very routine day-to-day thoughts to the thoughts
of the Divine is the progress that is very perceptible
in sadhana. Absorbency will also be there and
they are intimations of the Divine and it is very
assuring to us to move further in the path. You
may please read the articles on Concentration
and Control of Mind of the Master to fully appreciate
the value of this system.
Thoughts are the very nature of Reality and they
will always be there. When they are in tune with
Reality/Divine we get an absorbed condition. Otherwise
they are a bit grosser and we are aware of them.
Absorbency during meditation is good. Kindly watch
the type of thoughts that come to you after the
state of absorbency¡¯s that would give clues
of progress.
Regarding sleeping while sitting it is possible
for one to sleep while sitting. As a matter of
fact Samadhi itself is a deep sleep state which
in certain yogic literatures is called Turiya.
There are four states of consciousness called
1.Wakeful state 2.Dream state 3.Deep sleep state
and 4.Samadhi or Turiya (called 4th) state. It
is generally observed when a person advances in
meditation dream like state ensues. This is due
to arousal of Visuddha chakra partially. Yoga
Nidra is an advanced condition as compared to
moodha nidra which every one has every day. The
head drops down in moodha nidra state if a person
sleeps while sitting. This happens, as you know
in travel in buses or trains or airplanes.
Thoughts will be there during meditations and
we have to ignore them as uninvited guests or
brush them aside. The thoughts if they are attracting
your attention and you are pegged to them, that
means that the samskara connected with the thought
is very strong. The nature of thought alone can
give us a lead to understand further. That is,
are the thoughts relating to house, property,
husband, children, parents, job, etc. or are they
related to sadhana, goal etc., needs to be known.
To feel restless is good but to expect is not
correct. One never sees anything nor hears anything:
we feel internally all spiritual conditions.
Patience, Fortitude, Forbearance and Tolerance
are all virtues that we develop in the path and
this is the direct result of the direct and immediate
presence of the Divinity in the form of thoughtlessness/
nothingness that we experience during meditation.