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1. Does constant Remembrance develop naturally, or does one have to work upon it?
If there is a great deal of love it can develop naturally.

2. How to start constant remembrance?
We take up Divine Quality and rest our thought on it. From quality we reach the substance and then reach its ultimate.

3. How to increase the constant remembrance? Is there any way?
We must think one thought, and only one thought repeatedly. The idea must be there in the heart. It should not be repeated as a sort of mantra.

4.Why should we practice constant remembrance?
When remembrance is there, the remembered must also be there close by. Master's remembrance is an important factor in overcoming the distraction of thoughts and it is indispensable for easy success.

5. Can you give us a practical method for constant remembrance?
One must link oneself to God first and then continue to do one's work. Then when one forgets, that is Real Remembrance. Do, act, hear and feel in terms of God, that is all His doings. This is the sure and only instrument. A true seeker is always obedient, maintains truthfulness and leads a moral way of life.

6. I am trying to be in the thought of the Master during the day but in this month almost ten days I struggled to maintain the thought of the Master and I felt as if I am forcing myself for maintain the thought of the Master and felt pressure in my head. Since last ten days I lost my confidence on myself and felt very bad to loosing the thought of the Master
Constant remembrance is a state and not a practice as in other systems. Losing confidence in oneself is almost saying I am committing suicide. Dejection is not a sign of humility but it is an expression of extraordinary EGO veiled in the garb of humility.

7. After morning meditation feels light and calm. These days I try to maintain the same state of mind as long as possible while doing my routine chores.
That is a good practice: remembrance of the Master really means remembering the condition bestowed on us by Him during meditation.

8. Thoughts of the Master automatically take over me, more frequently. Whenever I am in the thoughts of the Master, I find myself in a condition, similar to undergoing Pranahuti.
This is the way constant remembrance is developed.

9. I do not remain in the thought of Master at the beginning of every work but at sometime during the day I am reminded of the fact that I forgot ascribing doership to Master.
Your orientation to Master is very good and it is not necessary that we should be aware consciously of Him as the process is mostly goes on in the sub conscious level as I have explained else where in one of my articles. A simple suggestion at the beginning of the day that everything is being done by Him or that every thing is being done as a service to Him is enough to carry us through the day as a practice of Constant remembrance.

10. The act of ascribing doership to Master before doing anything is happening only few times a day.
Subtle suggestion given after morning meditation sees us through this aspect during the entire day. That is my experience.

11. During all these periods, whenever I am in Sadhana OR reading literature OR speaking about our system OR conducting training program and related activities, I am totally absorbed in them. It is totally a different feeling.
That is what we call single pointed orientation and also constant remembrance.

12. If somebody hurts me or not behaves well, it stays in my heart. Even if I forgive them at that time, when a moment comes to talk about them again I get disturbed again.
It is good you have learnt to forgive, learn now to forget also. Memory should always be of the Master and not others.

More on Constant Remembrance

Constant remembrance is a state and not a practice as in other systems.
I have only to suggest that you try to not only attend to abhyas in a routine way but with love and devotion to the Masters of the Order. This will help you to be connected continuously and is an effective method of constant remembrance.
Constant remembrance by itself will not stop formation of samskaras. The remembrance should be such that a feeling that all actions are done by Him, that He is the knower of the action and also the enjoyer of all actions. It is an advanced state in spiritual life which you should be in a position to get by your present attitude of serious sadhana and restlessness to reach the goal.
As a matter of fact the body by definition will always be giving us some problem or the other. That it should not hinder us from discharging our legitimate duties should however be borne in mind. It is a matter of experience that persons with sufferings remember God more than others.