Following the commandments should
be always perfect and then only we can say we
are following the system. There is need for commitment
to realise ones self- without that precious little
can be achieved in sadhana. It is for you to gird
up your loins as Master said. Clarifications
1. Insincerity in following the commandments is
still there. 2. I continued to reduce
my activities. I have noticed an increasing tendency
to be plain and an aspiration to treat my family
members with due attachment. 3. There is a little
bit of understanding that whatever miseries that
we think we have, are because we deserve them
but the attitude of being thankful about them
is still not there. 4. I rate myself as fair
in commandments 5 to 7. 5. I made some headway
in speaking and aspiring for truth. I think I
am only treating miseries or events as per past
karma and not as divine gifts for my betterment.
6. When the health is
not that good, remembered that all miseries as
divine gifts, even though initially bothered about
the pain of the body. 7. For the first time
in my sadhana there was a feeling that even the
bad that happens to us is for our own good and
so we should accept it with happiness. 8. Occasionally I feel
angry which doesn't stay long. I feel I am being
influenced by eeshana treyas at heart although
my mind doesn't allow me to get influenced. As
a result I sometimes get into uneasiness due to
this conflict in some of the dealings. 9. I am able to make
a more honest assessment of myself than before.
Once a while I feel hurt by the actions of other
despite trying to take them as divine gifts 10. As you suggested,
I am trying to imbibe forgiveness in day-to-day
life. I find it not so easy, however I will continue
my efforts. 11. Sometimes I feel
not to be revengeful for the wrongs done by others.
However it is sometimes difficult to decide thin
line between fighting back for the good &
small revenge. Trying to remind myself for constant
remembrance of Master. Also trying to mould living
so as to rouse feeling of love & piety in
others. Please guide me in this regard. 12. I rate myself as
“Fair in following the commandment
7. Food habits in day-to-day
life 13. I still eat chicken/fish
when I get a chance. Not that I crave for them,
but can't deny either when there is opportunity.
Also during office gatherings, I join them for
beer! I don't know how to control |