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Wisdom Classification: Satsangh


Sayings of Pujya Babuji Maharaj:

♦ We should utilize this occasion in getting into the Master and Master alone, which will act as food and tonic for spiritual elevation. (SDG 29)

♦ The grace of my Master Supreme has enabled us again to assemble here and feel the cozy warmth of the sunshine of His everlasting benignance. (SDG 35)

♦ When all of my associates gather at one spot, it becomes a temple for me and it is their duty to make their hearts as the temple themselves. (SDG 117)

♦ We are here again to take stock of our work on the path of the Master Almighty for the benefit of His children of all ages and climes. (SDG 103)

♦ My (PUJYA SRI RAMCHANDRAJI MAHARAJ) heart remains connected with you all, here and elsewhere, giving impulse in unbroken silence to affect the hearts naturally in due course. (SDG 136)

Inspirational Quotes from Various Sources:

♦ Even if for a lifetime
the fool stays with the wise,
he knows nothing of the Dhamma--
as the ladle,
the taste of the soup.
Even if for a moment,
the perceptive person stays with the wise,
he immediately knows the Dhamma--
as the tongue, the taste of the soup.

- Dhammapada, 5,

♦ As long as the followers of the way hold regular and frequent assemblies, they may be expected to prosper and not decline. As long as they meet in harmony, break up in harmony, and carry on their business in harmony, they may be expected to prosper and not decline.

- Lord Buddha.

♦ As water changes according to the soil through which it flows, so a man assimilates the character of his associates.
By knowing his thoughts, a man's mind is discovered.
By knowing his associates, his character is revealed.

- Tirukkural 46:452-453

♦ It is harmful to make a multitude of foes, but it is ten times worse,
To give up the friendship of the worthy.

- Tirukkural 45:450

Tat sannidhau vairatyagah. (Yog-Sutra, 2.35)
In the vicinity of Yogic influence-unifying influence, integrating influence, coherent and harmonious influence-conflicting tendencies do not arise.

♦ The collective identity of the ‘I’ in the we and the we in the I - the anima una in its global dimension -- emerges and needs to be recovered by the congregation.