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Wisdom Classification: Master


Sayings of Pujya Babuji Maharaj:

♦ My Master Samarth Guru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh (U.P.) India, has remodelled the ‘Yoga’ in a way that somehow you may come into contact with the Divine speedily. (SDG 151)

♦ The blissful time ushered in by His advent introduced a new era of spiritual awakening which promises a practical solution of the human problem of existence. (SS 10)

♦ My revered master, Samarth Guru Mahatma Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, has rendered wonderful service to humanity in this respect by providing the easiest means of gaining the object of life. (SDG 137)

♦ Indeed our Great Master has boldly asserted that one can, for sure, attain liberation in this very life, nay, even in a part of it, provided one is really earnest about it and has the fortune of having a proper guide. (SDG 71)

♦ It was he (Pujya Lalaji Maharaj) who made it possible that a man could attain perfection in one life -rather a part of it- leading a just normal family life. (The Masters 17)

♦ Now since times are changing, as I have hinted at in ‘Efficacy of Raj Yoga’, only such means as introduced by our Revered Master Mahatma Ram Chandraji shall be in vogue throughout the world. (SDG 84)

♦ Under Natural Path the master, by the application of his inner powers, awakens to action and accelerates the dormant forces in the abhyasi and diverts the flow of Divine current towards his heart. (SS 34)

♦ Under the Natural Path, one has simply to connect one-self with the power of the master whose mind, senses and faculties are all thoroughly disciplined and regulated. (SDG 21)

♦ In our system a teacher takes out the hurdles in the progress of the seeker and side by side imparts the divine effulgence in him. (SDG 148)

Guru is the connecting link between God and man. (BWS 213)

♦ The idea of Guru as the Supreme Divine force is very helpful in spiritual pursuit. (BWS 255)

♦ The conception of the Guru as a spiritual mother promotes within us the feelings of love, reverence and surrender which are the main factors of a spiritual life. (BWS 260)

♦ God is the real Guru or Master and we get Light from Him alone. (BWS 227)

♦ At higher levels the conditions are such that even if one ascends a little by selfeffort, he quickly slips down because of the strong push from above. So, for our entry into higher regions, the Master’s help is indispensable. (SDG 14)

♦ It is only when a worthy master of calibre comes up to our help, that we are able to tear them (bondages) off in order to make our passage to the Absolute Reality smooth and easy. (SDG 98)

♦ A man who is himself free can free you from eternal bondage. (BWS 221)

♦ To find the way back by unravelling the strands binding us may not be possible except with the help of a guide who has connected himself to the Source. (SDG 24)

♦ One who can foment us by his own inner powers would be the best for a guide in the spiritual pursuit. (SDG 10)

♦ One who can foment you with his own internal divine power to make your task easy, is the only capable hand for spiritual guidance. (SDG 120)

♦ The only thing for the abhyasi to do is to connect himself with the power of the master, whose mind and senses are all thoroughly disciplined and regulated. (SDG 88)

♦ Indeed our Great Master has boldly asserted that one can, for sure, attain liberation in this very life, nay, even in a part of it, provided one is really earnest about it and has the fortune of having a proper guide. (SDG 71)

♦ The beauty of the training of my master is that spiritual life runs parallel to the life in the world, with ever increasing efficiency. (SDG 163)

♦ What we stand in need of, from a Guru is the true impulse to effect the awakening of the soul. (BWS 221)

♦ The help of the Master, who has himself travelled the entire distance and has developed in himself the Divine force, is therefore of immense value. (SDG 99)

♦ It is now the regime of Lord Krishna which is to continue till the next avatar comes into the world. (SS 116)

♦ Lord Krishna had originally introduced bhakti in Raja Yoga in a way the yogis know, because he knew the time was at hand when life would be uncertain. (BWS 102)

♦ The word mahatma has been defined in several or various ways, not perhaps without some reasonable basis. But my definition of it as a ‘non-being person’, though somewhat peculiar, is meaningful. (SS 513)

♦ I would define a Mahatma as the most insignificant being or rather a neglected figure, beyond all feelings of greatness, pride or egoism, dwelling permanently in a state of complete self-negation. (BWS 219)

♦ A saint or a Mahatma is not in any way different from an ordinary worldly man, except that his mind and senses are in a well-disciplined state and wholly under his control. (SS 427)

♦ Now since times are changing, as I have hinted at in ‘Efficacy of Raj Yoga’, only such means as introduced by our Revered Master Mahatma Ram Chandraji shall be in vogue throughout the world. (SDG 84)

♦ If we are in the hands of a real master, all the things necessary for ‘man to be called man’ gradually come out of themselves. (SDG 54)

♦ The proper sort of training, if the Guru is perfect, is that the teacher should generate among his disciples that sort of smell which leads them to the garden. (SDG 145)

♦ When He has come to know that someone happens to be His real Seeker and Lover, then it would become a sure condition for His coming close to you. (SDG 42)

♦ He introduces in the abhyasi the Pure State of Divinity, which he is having because this is his work. (SDG 49)

♦ My (Pujya Babuji Maharaj) restlessness lies in this, that you should continue to be restless to achieve the goal of attainment of the Divine which alone can give me Real Peace. (SDG 130)

♦ Swimming is the part of swimmer and to teach swimming is the part of master. (SDG 33)

♦ God is known to be both samavarti and samadarshi. (IPAM 43)

♦ Gurumata disciples are those who obey the commands of the master in all matters and try to submit to his will in all possible ways. (BWS 261)

♦ Divinity is a play, and Divine the way! (SDG 70)

Inspirational Quotes from Various Sources:

♦ The guru is the formless Self within each one of us. He may appear as a body to guide us, but that is only his disguise.

- Ramana Maharshi

♦ Imagine Brahman as a sea without shores. Through the cooling love of the bhakta some of the water becomes frozen into blocks of ice. Now and then, God assumes a form and reveals Himself to his lovers as a Person. But when the sun of Knowledge rises, the blocks of ice melt away and God is without form, no more a Person. He is beyond description. Who could describe Him? Anyone who tries disappears, unable to find his "I" any more.

- Ramakrishna

♦ Living God (Master) We want to worship a living God. I have not seen anything but God all my life, nor have you. To see this chair you first see God, and then the chair in and through Him. He is everywhere, saying, "I am." The moment you feel "I am," you are conscious of Existence. Where shall we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living being?

- Swami Vivekananda

♦ Cling to the feet of a master who can introduce you to yourself.

- Swami Veda Bharati

♦ God is really all-pervading, above the mind, without features, imperishable, and infinite. How can such a one be worshipped? That is why, out of compassion for his creatures, He takes the form of the guru. The guru is the supreme God enclosed in human skin. He walks the earth, concealed, bestowing grace on his disciples.

- Kularnava Tantra

♦ He is the only adorable one to me: I have none other. My tongue has left off impure words, it sings His glory day and night: Whether I rise or sit down, I can never forget Him; for the rhythm of His music beats in my ears.

♦ Kabir says: "My heart is frenzied, and I disclose in my soul what is hidden. I am immersed in that one great bliss which transcends all pleasure and pain."

- Kabir

♦ When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

- Tao saying

♦ "Homage to the one who knows and tests. The master gave sugar and the fool saw salt."

- Kabir