Report on functioning of Imperience (2007-2008)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It gives me great happiness to say that “Imperience” started on the auspicious occasion of the Birth Centenary of Dr.K.C.Varadachari on 14th August 2002 has successfully completed six years. The centre was started with the objective of educating aspirants in the Natural Path. Towards this end we have conducted training programmes, workshops, seminars and formal / informal interactive sessions on PAM. In order to assist the aspirants in their Sadhana, ‘Tools for self evaluation’ were developed and a continuing endeavor is on towards improving the ‘Self Assessment Tools’. On the basis of records available with us, it is gratifying to note that about 1100 individual sittings are being given to abhyasis every month. It is to be noted that this is a phenomenal number. It is unparalled that so much individual attention is given for spiritual progress. It would be wiser and effective on our part if we can report on the quality of the work that is being done, which is possible only through detailed analysis over a period of time.
Training Programmes for Freshers As you are all aware the institution conducts training programs for freshers on Second Saturday and Sunday of every month. Training programs are regularly held at Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Tirupathi, Bangalore, Satyavedu, Delhi and Indore, California and Florida and U.K. We have started holding training programs at Indore from June 2008. In UK training courses were held in the months of March, June and July. The response towards the training program has been quite good and in this year 335 persons attended the training programs and of these 133 persons were introduced into the system. In addition so that we may standardize the way guided meditations are conducted, an audio CD containing the instructions is now being used at the training programs. Seminars Seminars are being held bi-monthly on various topics, and are basically of practical interest. The stress is on sharing ones’ understanding of the subject based on experience by way of Paper Presentation. Seminars are intense sessions of training aimed to lead the abhyasis to attain clarity in important aspects of sadhana. Seminars are conducted on the third Sunday of every alternate month. For the first time seminars were held as part of the Basant Panchami Celebrations as well as the Birthday Celebrations of Revered Babuji Maharaj birthday. This was well received by the abhyasis and has led to larger number of papers being presented. Imperience would like to inform all that it will endeavour to continue to conduct a seminar as part of the celebrations. Six seminars were conducted in the current year. All the papers are available as part of the web site of Imperience and at Imperience office. Copies of the same will be made available on request. In all a total of 65 papers were presented at the seminars. All the papers presented were of a very high order and one could see the effort of the abhyasis in presenting papers which had stress on the academic, intellectual and practical aspects related to sadhana. We hope the seminars in the coming days will also be of the same high quality. All the Seminars were chaired by Pujya Sri K.C Narayana. The first seminar was conducted on the topic “Happiest man is he who is happy under all circumstances”. The seminar was co-chaired by Dr. Dakshina Murthy. 14 papers were presented at this seminar. The second seminar was held on the topic “Lion-hearted men alone can dare approach Reality and men are made so, by Natural Path”. The seminar was co-chaired by Dr. Dakshina Murthy. The seminar was attended by 48 abhyasis and 8 papers were presented. The third seminar was conducted on the topic “Truly speaking we give wrong suggestions to the mind.” The seminar was co-chaired by Sri S.S.Reddy. 7 papers were presented at this seminar. The fourth seminar was conducted on the topic “One must become colourless while playing with colours”. The seminar was co-chaired by Dr. B.S.Murthy. The seminar was conducted during the Basanth Celebrations 2008 and 19 papers were presented. The fifth seminar was conducted on the topic “Everyone endeavours hard for it, but only he whom God ordains is successful”. The seminar was co-chaired by Dr. S.V. Raghavan. The seminar was conducted during the Birthday Celebrations of Revered Babuji Maharaj and 13 papers were presented. The sixth seminar was conducted on the topic “We can only know the unknown when we become unknown ourselves”. The seminar was co-chaired by Dr. A. Subba Rao. The seminar was attended by 35 abhyasis and 4 papers were presented. Keeping in view the philosophy of the Institute “Bodhayanti Parasparam” and to indicate that the Institute promotes open thinking, a volume containing all the seminar papers was published as “Bodhayanti Parasparam – Vol 6”. This volume contains quite a large number of practical experiences from which the ardent aspirants of the system can gather hints for better sadhana. All the seminar articles are very indepth and give ample indication of the seriousness of the practicants who participated in the seminars. Mansarovar Activity We are happy to inform you that the Mansarovar program started in 2006, has generated more interest from Abhyasis to experience the language of Silence The purpose of the Mansarovar program is to help abhyasis Develop the capacity to inter-commune with Nature by learning the language of silence. Develop the capacity to be identical with Nature by living in Natural surroundings The Mansarovar program was conducted two times at the following locations during the last year 1. The first program was organised at Narsingapuram Village, Near Tirupati from 19th October to 21st October, 2007. The following brothers participated in the program § Sri. Prabhakar Chintapalli § Sri. V.M.Sarma § Sri. M. Rama Rao The participants expressed the view that this program helped them immensely in their progress and would have liked to spend a few more days at the place. The participants expressed happiness over the fact that they were able to practice silence for all the days. They felt that it is a very good experience for all sincere seekers to go through and experience the opportunity to remain in silence while living in rhythm with natural atmosphere. We are grateful to Sri. R. Rajasekhar Reddy garu and Sis. Bhargavi garu for providing us with the facilities at the venue. 2. Nagaram near Bhadrachalam from 18th January to 20th January, 2008 was the venue for the second mansarovar program. The following brothers participated in the session i. Sri. Vidyadhar Joshi ii. Sri. Suryanarayana Mula iii. Sri. Ramkrishna Tiruveedula iv. Sri. Prasad Tipparaju v. Sri. T.V.Rao The participants during the stay observed that they felt their true nature of balance and simplicity. They also experienced a sense of determination to orient themselves more after coming back from the program. The outside silence helped them maintain their inside silence. We are grateful to Sri. Rama Rao garu for providing us with the facilities at Nagaram. The experiences of some of the participants are available online at the Imperience website. Publications The following books were published by Imperience 1. Nuggets – sayings by Pujya Dr. K.C.Varadachari 2. Seminar papers on the topic “One must become colourless while playing with colours” 3. Seminar papers on the topic “Every one endeavours hard for it, but only he whom God ordains is successful” 4. Bodhayanti Parsparam Audio CDs containing the talks of Sri. K.C.Narayana published in Bodhayanti Parasparam books were also released. Tools Developed The Pind Desh Self Evaluation Tool has been made online during the current year. As all of you know, the purpose of this tool is self evaluate against the parameters of Principles of Spiritual Living, Knots and Kosas. Based on how many and how much of the positive attributes have been owned up, it gives us a reasonable estimate as to the extent of progress in each knot and hence in the pind-desh overall. The tool is suggested to be used once a year for evaluating oneself. As of August 1st 2008, 133 people have registered for using this tool. Out of them about 51 have used the tool online. It is requested that others also make use of this tool. Imperience staff can be conducted for any help in this regard. Current Work being done by Imperience We have taken up the work of revising the “Game of Life”. This is being done because it was felt that the pictures which were part of the Game of Life were not aptly depicting the view of the Institute. It was felt that the program lacked adequate explanatory notes which was making it a bit difficult to comprehend. As such we are presently trying to revise the Game. This is being done in consultation with abhyasi brothers from USA and a new version will be brought out soon. Efforts are on to transcribe and publish discussions on the five kosas. Letters of the Master being typed for publishing a new edition of the book ‘Event Horizon’ Acknowledgements During the current year Sri. K. Hara Prasad, Sri. S.S.Reddy, Smt. V. Aruna, Sri. N.V. Raghava Rao, Sri. Ravi Yelluripati and Sri. Ravi Prasad, Sri N.V. Madhava Rao and Sri. K.C.SriKrishna have been actively involved in the activities of Imperience and we would like to thank them for the same. We would like to thank Sri. Ravi Prasad for the help provided in administering the Imperience website. We would also like to extend our thanks to Sri V. Ramam, Sri G. Konda Reddy for having actively involved themselves in the functioning of the Centre and for having assisted in preparing various reports of the institute. We acknowledge the participation of all abhyasis who have participated in the functioning of the “Imperience”. We make an appeal to all abhyasis to make use of the mansarovar programs. All abhyasis are requested to ensure that they give their requests for mansarovar programs well in advance. The mansarovar programs are limited to 8 people. We request you not to inconvenience us by asking for registration at the last minute. Imperience is the institution of the aspirants in the path of the great Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur who has given humanity the greatest boon of Pranahuti and the Natural Path to suit the needs of the modern man. We owe it to Him and to posterity to establish the scientific basis of the system. It is a collective effort of all the abhyasis of ISRC, and we request you to help us in improving the quality of collective service. Expenditure During the current year 2007-2008, the expenditure incurred was Rs. 2,64,508 (Two Lakhs Forty Thousands only). This was met by the interest earned on the corpus which amounts to Rs 3,44,000 (Three Lakhs forty four thousands only)
Imperience staff has been reconstituted and these are the staff members for the following year. Guidance and Inspiration Pujya Sri. K.C. Narayana Governing Council Member Incharge Training Sri V. Sreekanth Reddy Training and Seminars Co-ordinator K.C.Srihari Overseas Training Coordinator 1. Dr. Keshav Reddy – U.K and Europe 2. Dr. B.V.S.K.Sastry – U.S.A Administration and Publications Incharge K.C.Srikrishna Accounts Officer – Sri V. Ramam Research Asssociates 1. N.V.Raghava Rao 2. Ravi Prasad 3. I. Chalapathi Rao 4. Dr. B.V.S.K.Sastry 5. N.V. Madhava Rao Technical Support - Ravi Yeluripati Office Manager – G. Konda Reddy |