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Daily Inspiration

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- Dr. K. Madhava

If we carefully study the teachings of Rev. Babuji and try to put them into practice we are struck by wonder because of its efficiency.

All the methods of practice help us to remain in contact with Divinity. The approach is positive right from beginning to the end.

If one studies Ten Commandments they are simple straight forward directives for us to attempt, practice and move on the path. There are no advises like don't do this and don't do that. The most formidable challenge before man, that being a slave of disordered senses is tackled in a positive way. We divert our attention towards the presence of divinity in the heart and the disordered senses and the unregulated mind become balanced and regulated.

The following quote from messages universal page 131 gives us an idea about Rev. Babuji's positive approach.

"I feel happy when the word 'universal love' comes from the mouth of any person. Generally the saints of the day preach Universal love but they do not find ways to tell you how it is acquired. Only remove the hatred, I say, and universal love is there. Suppose a man is a liar, and he wants to get rid of this habit, he should start speaking truth because a sort of character will be formed with concentration at the bottom in a natural way. If you attempt to be attentive on the lie to be removed, it would indirectly make it stronger and stronger because concentration is there by which they get power. So is the case with Universal love. It is there like a silk worm in a cocoon."

If we ruminate and ponder over the above paragraph and observe ourselves and the general behaviour of the abhyasis, we seem to be away from the mark.

Most of the abhyasis lament about their weaknesses, that is, dwell on the negative side which goes against the spirit of Rev. Babuji's teaching. Most common feelings and thoughts are "for the past few days I could not meditate well", "my love for the Master is inadequate", "my sadhana seems to be bogged down", "my will power is weak" etc. On the contrary the reality is that Rev. Babuji is ever eager to help us out. Many, why in fact all of us definitely feel moments of great calmness and absorption in every meditation. This experience is nothing but the manifestation of Rev. Babuji's love and affection for us. If you read the literature Rev. Babuji has solemnly pledged that I want to serve you all to the best of my ability and everybody who practices his method feels his support and love in the form of bliss, calmness etc..

We abhyasis should focus our minds and be aware of his love rather than thinking that my love for Babuji is weak. When you shift your attention away from your weaknesses or your attempts to love him and instead focus and be aware of the Great Master's love towards us it is a beginning of the understanding of the greatness and the positiveness of the system.

Another hint for abhyasis is quoted from page 49 of Autobiography Vol.2 "Another thing which is necessary for everyone to do is that one should mould oneself in such a way that he is captivated by love and devotion thinking them to be the main purpose".

By being constantly aware of Rev. Babuji's love towards us which all of us experience in our daily meditations slowly our hearts will be captivated that there will be transformation in our consciousness and change in our behaviour which becomes geared towards living up to his ideals.