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Samartha Guru Mahatma Ramachandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, Uttar Pradesh (Lalaji Maharaj)


Great men are not accidentally born. They are born when the world waits for them in eager expectation and thus the power of Nature descended in human form as Samarth Guru Mahatma Ramchandraji Maharaj. It happened as Divinity would will, on the Basant Panchami day, 2nd February 1873 at Fatehgarh, in the State of Uttar Pradesh in India.

Sri Ram Chandraji Maharaj affectionately called as Lalaji Maharaj, the Great Master, the Adi-Guru was a prodigy of Nature, the Ultimate Reality, brought back to humanity the long forgotten art of transmission of the Upanishadic pranasya pranah and worked out a navel method of spiritual training which completely relieved the practicant of almost all of his responsibilities. With him dawned the new era of yogic training through transmission of which he was the Master. He could bring a man to perfection simply at a glance. It was he who made it possible that a man could attain perfection in one life - rather a part of it leading just a normal family life. He simplified the method of spiritual training to a great extent and adjusted it to suit the requirements of time.

On 14th August 1931 at 1.00 A.M. in the night the light, which had illuminated and enlightened the hearts of groaning humanity with unparalleled love and changed the face of the Earth, allowed itself to be extinguished.

The greatest miracle of Sri Lalaji is perfection of Sri Babuji's grand personality which is unparalleled in the history of spiritual development. His researches and discoveries in the field will be regarded as wonderful and superb and shall remain a subject of further researches for centuries. Only posterity will be able to assess and evaluate the boons bestowed upon humanity by Revered Lalaji Maharaj.