Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, (Babuji Maharaj)
Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, affectionately known as Babuji Maharaj by his disciples was born on 30th April 1899. At the age of 22 years he came in contact with his spiritual Master Sri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, Uttar Pradesh, affectionately known as Lalaji Maharaj. Revered Lalaji Maharaj structured his disciple in such a way that in the year 1944 a Supreme Personality came into being in the form of Revered Babuji Maharaj who is and who would be guiding the spiritual destinies of whole of humanity for another millennia. Revered Babuji Maharaj was a grihasta who lead the life of simplicity and moderation, a life dedicated to the spiritual welfare of humanity. He was an embodiment of love and he laid foundation far a new world order grounded in spirituality. He generously gave the humanity His method of Yogic Sadhana (modified system of Raja Yoga) to enable everyone to realise the true goal of human life (ultimate) without any distinctions of race, caste, sex, age etc. In His infinite compassion and love to humanity, He made available to mankind His researches in the field of spirituality. He gave humanity a practicable, dynamic method for practice, a scientific system, a well laid out path towards infinity. Revered Babuji Maharaj discovered two points - Point 'A' and Point 'B' - which are very helpful in sadhana on which the efficacy of the system is based. Having finished His task He left His mortal coil on 19th April 1983 leaving His consciousness percolating whole of the Universe. This eternally present Supreme Personality is guiding the spiritual destinies of all.
The spiritual generation of humanity has started and message of the Master and His method is already spreading, fast in all countries of the world and a new world order emerging in which the principles of fraternity, service and sacrifice are becoming the way of life.