- Sri.
R. Sharath
We should strive for clarity in
understanding whatever we learn and whatever we
do, and in order to overcome a difficulty, we
also need to understand why a difficulty is deemed
as difficulty. If we understand how a difficulty
impacts our regular sadhana, we can be more dedicated
and serious in our effort to overcome that. With
that effect, I would like to assert that SLOTH
IS DETRIMENTAL TO SADHANA. It is in fact, considered
to be one of the Seven Deadly Sins in Christianity
and for that matter, by every sincere seeker in
all religions.
Physical Sloth :
It is mainly related to eating
and sleeping. It relates to the Anna Maya Kosa.
We succumb to habits that cause sloth and inertia
such as eating more that what is needed for the
body and sleeping more than what is required for
a healthy body.
We have to moderate our food habits and taste.
If we reduce the tasty intake, then our tongue
and the taste buds will definitely stop asking/craving
for more tasty food. We must follow the COMMANDMENT-8
assiduously & we should be in remembrance
of Master when we eat. We will eat tasty food
if we have or we will be satisfied with what we
have. We will not be obsessive about food. We
should eat to live and not live to eat. Eating
less food at night helps us to wake up early in
the morning and thereby enables us to follow COMMANDMENT-1
Mental Sloth:
The following is my understanding of mental sloth
and how it impacts our Sadhana.
• Sloth causes us to forget what have been
bestowed on us.
• Sloth makes us insensitive to our own
changes or transformations.
• Sloth leads to inefficiency in anything
we do.
• Sloth causes our mind to be dull and torpid.
• Sloth dampens our motivation for Sadhana.
• Sloth causes our mind to give thousand
excuses for not doing sadhana properly.
• Our so called failures due to laziness
leads to self pity.
• Sloth is very powerful and can pull us
down if we are not cautious.
• Sloth makes us feel tired. Unless we feel
mental tiredness, we cannot feel tired physically.
Even though we may physically feel tired, we should
try to feel mentally active as much as we can.
We must try to send positive signals to mind to
keep it active always.
• Sloth also causes us to judge ourselves
and our potential. Just because we don't do our
sadhana regularly due to sloth, we sometimes get
thoughts as to whether we are really fit for sadhana,
and we also sometimes feel whether we really deserve
what we get by Master's grace.
• Sloth makes us to procrastinate.
• Sloth causes frustration.
• Sloth takes us away from reality.
• Sloth gives an opportunity for the Satan
to sneak in.
• Sloth lays the platform for negative thoughts.
• Sloth says that it is Ok to sleep or eat
• Sloth makes us feel that we are busy and
we don't have enough time.
• Sloth makes us orient to our self more.
• Sloth makes us impure.
• Sloth gives rise to fantasies & imagination.
It is only in leisure time, our thoughts seems
to have wings. When we are busy & active,
we do not imagine, we just act.
• Sloth is the main reason for our unprepared-ness.
Overcoming Sloth:
• Possible by making our mind active.
• Once we are active in mental plane, we
have no choice but to remain active in physical
plane too. The only thing that we need to think
here is to determine on what we have to be active.
• And when our purity increases, our thoughts
become pure and our purity will accordingly reflect
in our actions and then only we will be exhibiting
our true nature, which is of the Divine.
• We must do our sadhana with true love
and dedication to Master and without complacency.
Complacency leads us back to sloth.
• We must own up the condition that we gain
during Satsanghs and Sittings and keep our mind
active so that we will not succumb to sloth.
• We should not pay undue attention about
the pulling factors but at the same time be cautious.
• We should develop a non-judgemental attitude
about our own potential and at the same time be
cautious so as to not become arrogant and maintain
humility always.
• We must do Sadhana with Zeal and maintain
the tenacity throughout.
• In short, as Rev. MASTER and Revered Sri
KCN Sir exhorts, we must GIRD UP OUR LOINS.
Advantages of overcoming
SLOTH or rather the imperative NEED to overcome
• We can utilise the precious time available
at one's disposal for the purpose of the divine.
• Our transformation becomes rapid.
• Constant Remembrance becomes easy.
• Our Goal or Destination will always remain
in full view.
• Our activities will have a meaning. Revered
Sri KCN Sir once told me that we succumb to sloth
because we do not find a meaning or a purpose
for our activities.
How PAM helps us in Overcoming
• PAM charges us with positive energy. We
feel vibrant and dynamic. Nobody in the past has
ever or in future will ever report that they felt
lazy or slothful after meditation. They can only
feel refreshed like just getting out of a shower.
This is proof enough to convince us of the dynamic
nature of Pranahuti.
• PAM cleanses us and purifies us and prepares
us for our spiritual journey. Not only it prepares,
it also supports us in our journey to the infinite.
• PAM reminds ourselves our true nature
and helps us to develop conviction.
• PAM reminds us of our interdependence
and helps us to develop fraternal feelings. When
we know that we have a responsibility to share,
we cannot be lazy. Revered Sri KCN Sir once remarked
that “We should be obsessed with others’
happiness”. If this is our goal, then how
can we afford to be lazy? We have standing examples
of Our Revered Masters and Our Revered KCN Sir.
Were they lazy or can we have even achieved what
we now have without them? It will only amount
to ingratitude if we don’t shed our sloth.
Our Master says “Whether the other person
is doing his duty to you or not, why should you
fail in your duty to him?” Our Masters have
done and are doing their duties to us always and
we should emulate our Masters by discharging our
duties without any conditions/expectations attached.
• PAM helps us to identify the Principles
that our Masters followed and also helps us to
follow it. When we follow PAM, we learn to see
the good in others. And after we have identified
the good principles, we must stick to them at
all cost.
We often want others to apply their mind and tell
us the way to overcome a difficulty. But if we
are really serious about overcoming our difficulties,
then we have to understand them and apply our
mind too. We should stay determined in order to
free us from lapses due to SLOTH from our life
if we truly want to serve our Master to our fullest
potential. And the sooner the better.
Each one has unique ways to succumb to sloth and
not only do we succumb, but internally we justify
it to our conscience. Someone once remarked that
“Argue for your limitations and sure enough,
they're yours.” I would like to conclude
by saying that let us gird up our loins to rise
above our limitations and become Masters by becoming
servants as our Revered Grand Masters have asserted.