IMPERIENCE           DRKCV.ORG           SSS           


Daily Inspiration

What is new


- K.C. Srikrishna

Dear Brothers and Sisters,I am Happy to inform that Imperience- centre for Research and Training in PAM which was started on the auspicious occasion of Birth Centenary of Dr.K.C.Varadachari on 14th August 2002 has successfully completed two years of working.

The Institution was started with the objective of educating aspirants in the natural path. Towards this end we have been conducting Training programmes, Workshops, Seminars and Formal / Informal Interactive Sessions (discussions) on topics related to PAM. In addition to assist the aspirants in their Sadhana, 'Tools for self evaluation' are being developed. A continuous endeavour is on towards improving the 'Self Assessment Tools' and the same are being made available to them from time to time.

The Institute as part of its research activities is carrying out Academic and Practical research. As part of academic research, a study was conducted to prove the effect of Pranahuti towards bringing a Balanced state of mind with the help of an Instrument which measures and records the Inner balance. This report was released on 14th August 2004. As of now we do not have adequate data to carry out studies in the field of practical research. In this context Imperience makes a sincere appeal to all abhyasis to help us by providing records so that a study can be undertaken to prove the efficacy of the system.

Training Programmes for Freshers

The institution conducts training programmes for freshers on every Second Saturday and Sunday of every month. In India the centers where Training courses are regularly being held are Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Kakinada, Vizag, Tirupathi, Bangalore and Satyavedu. This year Bangalore, Kakinada and Tirupathi Centers have become active and have started conducting training programmes regularly. In USA training courses were held at California, WashingtonD.C and Florida. All the training courses in India are of two Day duration. The training program held in the USA is of one day duration. This year 476 persons attended the training programs and of these 232 persons were introduced into the system.


Workshops are sessions of focused study and training- essentially meant for persons who would like to have more clarity and understanding of the intricacies of the various conditions that one goes through and cover various topics related to the original researches and practical guidelines given by the Master. Workshops are meant to help own up the conditions that the practicants get during Satsang and Individual sittings. Owning up of a condition means to feel, to understand, to imbibe and to dwell in that condition and workshops assist in this.

The workshops are scheduled for the first Sunday of each month. To address the individual requirements and problems we are limiting the number of participants which ensure that the quality of the workshops remains high. Selection of the participants for each workshop is based on the information provided by the participant in the introspection sheet and the remarks and observations given by respective trainers, and also the availability of seats.

This year 7 workshops relating to Devotion, Surrender, Balanced Existence, Prayer, Goal of Life, Viveka and Nature of Knots were conducted and 50 Participants participated in the workshops.


Seminars are held bi-monthly on various topics, and are basically of practical interest. The stress is on sharing ones' understanding of the subject based on experience by way of Paper Presentation in consonance of the Institute's principle-"Bodhayanti Parasparam". Seminars are intense sessions of training aimed to lead the abhyasis to the participation in workshops. Seminars are conducted on the third Sunday of every alternate month. The topic of the Seminar will be communicated atleast one month in advance and Abhyasis intending to present a Paper must send their Papers 15 days before the Seminar.

Three seminars were conducted in the current year on 1. "Meditation is not enough". 37 papers were presented during the seminar of which 3 were in Telugu. The second seminar was held on the topic "When we are out of Reality we become Satan" a theme drawn from the message of the Master in his article "Superstition and Spirituality" 18 papers were presented in the seminar. The Third seminar was conducted on the topic "Suffering is the Root and Results are its Flowers" a theme drawn from the message of the Master published in the book Showers of Divine Grace under the title "Easiest Way". 17 papers were presented in this seminar.

All the papers presented at these seminars were of a very high order and one could see the effort of the abhyasis in presenting papers which had stress on the academic, intellectual and practical aspects related to sadhana. We hope the seminars in the coming days will also be of very high order.

Training Programmes for Trainers

Imperience has conducted two training programmes for trainers especially to meet the needs of new trainers who were given permission to work during the year. Imperience proposes to conduct two or more workshops for trainers in
1. Development of Will.
2. Development of Sensitivity.
Training Programmes for Abhyasis and Informal interactive sessions
Special Discussions on topics related to Sadhana are held on the Fourth Sunday of every month, which are helpful in self evaluation.

The Institute during the year held informal interactive sessions with abhyasis where clarifications on Spiritual Orders, Constant Remembrance etc, were sought and shared.
PublicationsThe following books were published by Imperience
1. The Five Kosas - Role in Sadhana under Pranahuti Aided Meditation
2. Freedom and Liberation.
3. Realisation.
4. Surrender
5. The Masters

We are happy to inform you that the Web site of IMPERIENCE is ready. The address of the site is "http://". This is in addition to our website "". The site will be presented today to you for your valuable suggestions. We request you to give your inputs today as well as in future so that we can continuously update the site.

Tools for self Evaluation

The institute is happy to inform you that Self evaluation questionnaire called "Pind desh questionnaire" pertaining to attitudes and conditions of the various knots in pind desh is finalized and is available.
A questionnaire on Altruism which forms basic index of the Super Consciousness of the Inferior type so called by the Master is also available.

I would like to inform that Attitudinal Scale relating to qualities that are conducive for spiritual progress is under development and would be made available as soon as possible.

It is to be recognized that these tools are in order to assist the aspirants in evaluating their spiritual condition.

As all aspirants are aware we already using the implementation of Sri Ramchandra's Commandments as a criterion in evaluating the condition. The above mentioned tools we hope would assist us further in our effort towards evaluating conditions.

We are in the process of compiling data pertaining to the feedback on implementation of Sri Ramchandra's Commandments and this report will be published soon.


During the current year Smt. V. Annapurna has been actively involved in the activities of the institute and we would like to thank her for the same. We would also like to extend our thanks to Sri S.S. Janardhan Rao, Sri V. Ramam, Sri Balachander for having actively involved themselves in the functioning of the institute and for having assisted in preparing various reports of the institute.

In order to make the presentation of material dynamic during training and discussions, need for a LCD projector was felt. We are thankful to the abhyasis from U.S.A for having donated the same to us.
We acknowledge the participation of all abhyasis who have participated in the functioning of the imperience.

We make an appeal to all abhyasis to make use of the workshops and trainings. All abhyasis are requested to ensure that they give their requests for workshops and training courses well in advance.
The training courses are restricted to 15 people and workshops are restricted to 10 people. We request you not to inconvenience us by asking for registration at the last minute.

All the abhyasis are requested to get their abhyasi Id's and while corresponding with the Institute. This will help us in keeping data of every person in their respective files.

Imperience is the institution of the aspirants in the path of the great Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur who has given humanity the greatest boon of Pranahuti and the modified system of Rajayoga to suit the needs of the modern man. We owe it to Him and to posterity to establish the scientific basis of the system. It is a collective effort of all the abhyasis of ISRC, and we request you to help us in improving the quality of collective service.