Pujya K.C. Narayana
The Lord Krishna in Bhagvad Gita says
Janma Karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktva deham punarjanma naiti mameti so'rjuna. (IV-9)
When Masters like Shri Ram Chandra are born, it is like descent of the Divine into human form which is essentially meant to disclose the Condition of being to which human souls should rise. The birth of the birthless means the revelation of the great mystery of the Eternal soul presence in the transcient and perishable body of man.
The descent, enables us to understand that there is no opposition between spiritual life and worldly materialistic life. If the world is imperfect and is all evil. It is our duty to restore it to the Divine. The supreme personality of Rev. Babuji points out the way by which men can rise from the animal to spiritual mode of existence by being an example. The Divinity is not seen in its naked splendour but through the instrumentality of the human. His life dramatizes as it were the essential constituents of human life ascending to the fulfillment of human destiny. He knew hunger and thirst, happiness and misery, solitude and desparation. He by over coming them all, asks us to take courage in His example. He taught us by his actions how we can die to our separate individualised temporal selfness and come into union with timeless spirit. In the process through Pranahuti He had Himself transformed into channel of Grace. He invited us and by loving Him and trusting Him we are led to an understanding of the Absolute Base. Tam.
This historical fact is the illustration of a process that is ever unfolding in the heart of man. But in spirituality unlike in religion there is no servitude to one historical fact we are all invited to rise to the Divine status and the Supreme personality helps us to achieve this inner realisation.
Matkarmakrun matparamo madbhaktah Sangavarjitah Nirvairah sarvabhutesu yah sa mameti pandava
- Gita XI-55
The search for abiding Reality and the quest for Eternal Truth cannot end in emotional satisfaction or sporadic and fulfill experience. After having had the Darshan of the Lord or Master and having had the knowledge that the Supreme is the background for the never ending procession in time of finite things, one has to live in it by transmuting one's total nature into an yielding attitude and willing acceptance of the Divine in all that is and can be. A fleeting vision however vivid and awesome and which grants permanent effects of sorts, is not complete attainment.
If vision is all, there is no Gita after the Viswaroapa darshan and no Dhruva after 6 years nor Markandeya after 15 years.
The vision should lead to (1) working for the Master (2) Looking upon Master as the Goal (3) Worshipping Master (4) be free from attachment (5) be free from enmity to all creatures. Such a soul reaches Him.