The following are certain replies of the master to various questions by the abhyasis during his visit to South Africa in late 1980 ' s.
"I appreciate my associates.
Proceed towards Unknown.
Love Him who loves all.
Destination is not far off.
Remembrance is the instrument.
Bless you all."
Abhyasi: " You know many abhyasis by name, but you may not know the names of all the abhyasis. Are those abhyasis whose names you do not know less privileged? "
Babuji: " Whether the Master knows and calls an abhyasi by name or not, all abhyasis will get what is needed and essential, like a child gets all the necessary nourishment in the mother's womb. But an abhyasi should first of all try to deserve and then desire. "
The master in reply to a query from an abhyasi stated thus, " Master gives a thought, you have to expand it. "
Master in reply to various queries by abhyasis gave the following answers: If the word " realisation " is separated as Real + Ization, power of God only remains, Real goes away. " When a person joins and completely follows our system, my work is finished. The remaining work is that of God. " Dreams are also for cleaning sanskars. " . " You cannot destroy what is created by God. You can destroy only what you have created. For example, anger is God ' s creation, which you cannot destroy while greed is your creation which you can destroy. Transformation is the Divine power to transform the mind of an abhyasi.A person who came to know of the system wanted to follow and asked Master, " We wish to lead a better life and how to get it? " Master replied, " You have got to use wisdom also; better wisdom means better life. Divine life is better that is better life. "
Q: Was Jesus also an avatar?
A: It is not necessary to answer such questions
Q: When you walk on a rope, you are all concentration in order to keep the balance. Is it the same thing in meditation?
A: Waves are not the sea. Ocean is made up of many drops. Every drop has to develop awareness that it is a part of the ocean. The ocean is also in the drop.Master said, " To get near God, few things are required. To realise silence in silence, I speak in silence. I often say one has to forget himself. When God was in balance there was no creation, creation started when God ' s balance was disturbed. Then God had a thought and creation started. God had a big thought, we have small thoughts but they are the same in principle. Blankness of mind and absolute thoughtlessness are not possible because it brings about death. Blankness is the sign of absolute balance and that is only possible in death. You should be in contact with Divinity. My duty is to help you in the task.
Q: Sometimes, I feel low and depressed. I try to transform it into humility.
A: You should not waste your time in that. When you are depressed you are losing. If you meditate instead, you are getting. So meditate instead of feeling depressed. Brooding over it deepens the impression. When I say I am doing higher work, some people think I am working on the highly elevated persons only but I shower grace equally on everyone. You are God ' s creation and so He has to look after you also.
Q: What is the identification of a true abhyasi?
A: Truthfulness and Obedience
Q: When I sat next to Master, I felt and saw that all Master ' s associates were completely in Master ' s charge. Am I correct?
A: Yes, that is your experience and it is pure reality. But who is going to believe that? Everything is Master and Master is everything. It is a burden to the Master if you think negatively because, then He has to work on you to redeem you.
Q: How can Sahaj Marg be compared to other systems?
A: Other systems are like toys in the hands of children. Sat-chit-anand is matter and we have to go beyond that. The true cry should come from the heart and Master shall come to the seeker ' s door. " One cannot see his own eye; similarly I cannot see the ' I ' . So one must avoid ' I ' in all terms and refer ' Him ' in form of ' His ' at all levels. This is the uniqueness of our system. Transmission is the utilization of Divine power for the transformation of man. Meditation is the instrument of knowing. This is the opposite of concentration. In Sahaj Marg, concentration is the result of meditation. One always seeks to go into Samadhi; instead one should go with Divine consciousness. Concentration is an instrument to find something that you have lost whereas meditation is to find the real. Reality is Reality which can be known by looking at the Real.
Q: Can you give us a practical example of constant remembrance?
A: One must link oneself to God first and then continue to do one 's work. Then when one forgets, that is Real Remembrance. Do, act, hear and feel in terms of God, that is all His doings. This is the sure and only instrument. A true seeker is always obedient, maintains truthfulness and leads a moral way of life.
Q: What is the difference between a thought and wish?
A: Wish is always doubt
Q: Whom can one call the greatest
A: Greatest means one who is balanced
Q: The condition you have given, how should we retain it.
A: By taking interest in your spiritual work
Q: When does one come to reality
A: When everything is lost, Reality oozes out.
Q: There is a state when Master transmits to someone, you also get your share. Is that the effect of mergence
A: Surrender is the means, not the goal. God comes when He is needed by the heart, not by the mind. Need is coming from the heart, Wish is coming from the mind. You can concentrate for two years and you won ' t get God.Because by concentration you get what you know. Meditation is waiting. Meditation is the way for the Goal. Searching for God is a waste of time. They try but they do not attempt. They try by concentration what they can achieve by meditation.
Q: When there are so many miseries barring the way to progress, what can one do?
A: " Pray " . There is a difference between reason, vision and ' Vision ' . Reason has doubt in it, vision could be your own self projection and ' Vision ' is the real divine Vision which is self presentation.
Q: " Disturbance by thoughts - how do we overcome it? "
A: Thought is always short. When you are drowned in any thought the Master takes care of it. For half an hour you do not breath at all when you are thoughtless. My master said, " I did not breath for an hour " .
Q: " When the thought of the Master is in the mind no illusionary thought is possible? "
A: " Thought must be in contact with the Divine. When thought knows the soul in one point, you get the correct result. "