It is with great regret that we inform you about the sad demise of one of our oldest associates Sri.I.Chalapathi Rao. He reached the holy feet of the Great Master Sri Ramchandraji on 2nd July 2014 at 6.20 AM. He was a very active member of ISRC and Imperience and used to be associated in all the activities associated with spreading the message of the Great Master. He used to actively participate in all the seminars and workshops held by imperience. His contribution towards the activities of Imperience and ISRC can be said to be unparalleled and it is primarily due to his efforts that the CD’s of the Revered Master are available to the followers of the system. He was also involved in writing papers looking at the system of SriRamchandras Rajayoga in a new light and the Booklet Srimad Bhagavadgita in the light of the SriRamchandra’s Rajyoga can primarily be attributed to his contribution. In addition his collaboration in the Research Articles of Imperience is immense. Sri Chalapathi was a serious sadhaka and one of the most sincere and active trainers of ISRC and was also once a member of the Governing Council. He was sincere and ardent follower of the system and His faith in the Great Master was unwavering till his last breath inspite of his immense physical distress. We at Sri Ramchandra Publishers join the Members of ISRC and IMPERIENCE in remembering this Great Soul.