- Sri
Rajesh Raina
In your
thoughts, let us all arise, O’Master
At the hour of
the dawn, with mind and body pure
Shall offer
ourselves to Thee as we witness Thy glory unfold
In the heart
we feel your subtlest
Where from
true love and plainness of spirit springs forth
We aspire for
Thy Divine Grace, bring us up into Thy arms
oneness shall be our mercy
Such that, we
do not lose self in the charms that rise and fall
May our heart
reflect only the shine, that you bestow abound
As the prayer
sinks into the heart, Divine Light emerges forth
vanishes bit by bit as the ego loses ground
Thy majestic
simplicity and balance rule the heart
Clear our
hearts O’Lord of temptations that may arise
naturalness of your presence dawn in our heart for ever
Let the
feeling of gratitude and humility rest contend in our heart
We seek your
simplicity and purity in one and all
Feeling and
seeing the Divine light in all, fraternity abounds
And we rush to
seek purity and love at the altar in every heart
We pray
forgiveness for errors are many and wisdom immature
Resolving to
keep our heart pure and clean
For this is
Thy temple and our connecting link we know
Let the
unperturbed and tranquil mind be the field of action
Every dip in
the remembrance of Thy vast presence
Shall evermore
increase the feeling of love of piety in all
We lay our
head as the day ends, tired and weary seeking forgiveness
May Thy oozing
grace fill our hearts to the brim
That with the
dawn we rise in prayer again, in tune with Thy