1. Who is the Guru?
God is the only Guru. All the others are working
under His guidance and directions. Really speaking
if a man says he is a Guru, he is not fit to train
others in spirituality. Such a person is really
usurping the position of God.
2. Are you a Guru for
I do not think like that. I think myself
to be only one of the associates of my own association.
3. But I think that many
people regard you as the Guru or the Master?
Well, they will have to use some word
when referring to me. They prefix this word which
I do not like.
4. Whom to think as Master-the
absolute or Rev. Babuji.
Master means always the Ultimate God
and it is not the same as 1. Ultimate (Philosophical
idea) 2. Absolute (Mathematical idea) 3. Purusha
(a Samkhyan idea). Master has no form or name
and beyond both. However aspirants in this path
address Rev. Babuji as Master even as Sage Patanjali
called the Guru as Ishwara in his aphorism Eeeshawara
Pranidhana.) Since we receive our Pranahuti from
the source of Rev.Babuji Maharaj we tend to call
him as Master.
5. I am feeling so grateful
for all the help from my trainer and you Sir,
towards my Sadhana.
Distinguishing between the trainers and
guides and Masters is basic Aviveka. You should
be aware of the method and procedure of the techniques
of transmission and I do not understand why this
problem of differentiation. Please read the Manual