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Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 28th February, 1967

My Dear Varadachari,

.... Thanks to the Master that I am alive today to serve the humanity. I had an impression in the mind as to why the people cannot resist the death. The same idea came to my mind at that time for the sake of experiment. I succeeded a bit to bring the life cell to normal; now my experiment is over thanks to the Master. This is the law of nature that nobody can resist death and automatically the things move. I am not very sure of it but I think that there is no self in the soul so we cannot resist or work on it.


Love to children and respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 20th April, 1967

My dear Varadachari,

State of Realisation

In the state of realisation the man generally becomes lazy. The breath becomes very slow and so he requires either long walk or some exercise for the sake of getting oxygen. I remember my Master once said that I do not at all breath sometimes. There is no doubt about it that you have proceeded a long way off towards negation and this condition is developing.

Love to children and respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 9th May, 1967

My dear Varadachari,

The weakness you feel in transmission is due to the physical weakness. The inner making of a man is a very laborious job... ...

Giving Access to Central Region

Every preceptor has the power to send him or anybody immediately to the Central Region but it is a very dangerous task. I have already written the second part of the Method of the Training, but I have not disclosed in it the method of giving highest approach that the preceptor may try it. This is my research work for which a proper moulding is necessary at that time. If preceptor fails accidentally to mould himself accordingly, the man is gone. I am sure you can mould it but still I do not trust unless you do one or two cases before me.

No difference between Lord Krishna and the Master

The dream as you mentioned in the letter has a meaning. Lord Krishna appeared before you in dream and has given you a very mild transmission also. He is interested in Sahaj Marg and he has given the name to the sanstha. Our sanstha is connected with him through the Master. When you asked for the emergence He disappeared. I feel shy to interpret it but I feel if I do not relate it to you, you will be anxious to know it hence I am writing to you. Shri Krishna disappeared because He felt that you have got the difference between Him and the Master so you are asking this boon.


Love to children and respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 7th July, 1967

My dear Varadachari,


Reg. Dr.K.C.V'S WORK

I must tell you what work you have done so far unconsciously and what you are doing at present. You worked for about a year in Afghanistan and now you are working in Asian Russia near the Chinese border. The result of your work in Afghanistan is that they are calm and pacified. They are not much attracted towards the luxuries of modern life.


Respect to Appaji and love to children.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 15th July, 1967

My dear Varadachari,


I have gone through the diagrams brought from Tirupati and found that late Shri Ishwar Sahai had not given the correct diagrams. I told him once in a general way that the centres on the trunk of human body corroborate with, to a certain degree, the centres of the spinal cord even the centres above it also seem to corroborate with centres of the backbone of the head. I only gave him the hints and he made the diagrams and he left the centres of the spinal cord. If I could not reproduce them again my labour of fourteen years is wasted. I depend solely upon my Master's Grace, in this respect, because a revelation comes to me only once. Please advise me what I should do to bring those things back to my memory.


It is about a week I am having an idea that the atmosphere, polluted due to evil thoughts of the people, be purged out of poisonous effect thoroughly. There is one person somewhere in India doing the work. Still I need one more man. Can you suggest one? I have chosen Seshadri for some other work. He can give a duty of some other work. But I have not brought them up to the Divine post. For the work of cleaning of atmosphere one must be at dhruvagati. Generally the experienced hands are chosen for the purpose but I want young man from South India. I did this duty some time in early days of my present state afterwards the higher one and now the most important one I am doing. I can also take this work upon myself but the work of the higher nature will suffer. Suppose I propose Viraraghavan, would you like this idea? If I select you for the purpose it would not be fitting because you can be entrusted with some higher work, which unconsciously you do. I will take a year to prepare Viraraghavan, provided my Master agrees to it.

Why I want a man in South India? Because they are very dutiful and know that what obedience is.

Respects to Appaji and love to children.

Yours affectionately,

Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 12th August, 1967

My dear Varadachari,

Craving for complete Divinisation

.... You want your complete divinisation and I wish it more than what you do. It is going on day by day. In my opinion about 3/4ths of the work is complete. I am sorry that you are regularly troubled by the world condition. But I am happy to see all these things, because when the conditions are at its climax the real shakti descends and the people are benefited. Bhaktas in one way and the vicious in the opposite way.

When a man acquires nearness to God and his own expansion is there the man begins to do his work automatically.

Respect to Appaji and love to children.


Ram Chandra