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Daily Inspiration




Sabda  |   Sabr  |   Sadhana  |   Sadguru  |   Saguna  |   Sahaja  |   Sahaj marg  |   Sahajiya  |   Sakti  |   Sakshaat-kara  |   Saalokya  |   Salik  |   Samadhi  |   Samaanya  |   Samadhan  |   Samasam  |   Samavastha  |   Sampatti  |   Saamipya  |   Samsara  |   Samskara  |   Samyama  |   Samvega  |   Sangha  |   Santi  |   Sandhya  |   Sankirtan/Sankirtana  |   Saralata  |   Sarupya  |   Sasmita-samadhi  |   Sat  |   Satpad  |   Saayujya  |   Satpad  |   Sat sangh  |   Shab-e-Qadr  |   Shagal Rabta  |   Santi/Shanti  |   Sajjada Nashin  |   Shat- Sampatthi  |   Sham  |   Shraddha  |   Sheela  |   Shukr  |   Siddhi  |   Skandha  |   Smrti  |   Sohbati  |   Sudarshan chakra  |   Sukshma  |   Sukshma Sarira  |   Surat  |   Sulook  |   Susumna  |   Susupti  |   Svadhisthana  |   Svapna  |   Svar/Svarg  |  

Sound; inner vibration.
Contentment with what is obtaining or present or given. This is the patience that has to be maintained under all circumstances by the aspirant who has developed faith in the Master/God. See Titiksha.
Method or means towards attaining any objective. Usually this word is used for the method and means adopted for spiritual attainment or liberation. There are 4 means namely Viveka, Vairagya, Shat sampatthis and Mumukshu known as Sadhana Chatustaya.
Highest among the Gurus who knows the condition of each knot of his being and can infuse the spiritual force in any person who is really deserving . He is one who has transcended the limits of his being and his mastery over its conditions.
With attributes: with the triple gunas.
Natural state, natural to each one of the planes.
Sahaj marg
The new of life advocated by Mahatma Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur (UP) India. The aim of this way of life is balanced existence taking into consideration the spiritual and material aspects of living. It advocates the practice of meditation as a natural way for attaining balanced living.
A state of divine naturalness; superconscious state.
Energy. Also represents the female energy of the Ultimate.
The direct unmeditated Vision of God or Truth.
Attaining the sameness as the condition in a particular stage of development. Ultimately it is oneness with the world as God or the Vision of God.
One who is established in the spiritual path and advanced far in it.
Intense absorption in the equilibrium. Sam-prajna-ta-samadhi: a State accompanied by prajna. Asam-prajnata-samadhi- A state that has transcended even prajna. In the system of Rajayoga of Sri Ramchandra it may mean " The condition which was in the beginning. It is the state where a man feels awakening in the numbed state."
General or common to all things, a general attribute.
The last and 6th of the shat-sampatthis. It means a state of self-settledness to the will of God/Master.
Balanced and free from bondages and also from the bonds of time and existence.
Balanced existence that was there at the time of creation when neither activity nor inactivity was present.
Treasure/ riches/ abundance.
Nearness to a condition at a particular stage of development or ultimatelynearness to God.
Life in society and family: a life of transmigratory movement of bondage to works.House hold and its activities which seem to bind the person to several duties.
Subliminal impressions of actions preserved in the subtle body.
Method of control usually obtained through power of concentration of the mind over the object. This is considered to be one of the acquisitions very important and necessary in Yogic practice.
Intense ardour derived from long practice.
Group; Sat-sangha: association of good men.
Tranquility or peace. This is the form of the Divine experience or God Himself. Santakaram is the first experience of God in Sahaj Marg transmission.
The time of Dawn or Dusk. The meeting of the Day and Night.
Devotional songs or Songs of the Divine. This is one of the aids for development of constant remembrance in traditional Hindu worship
Facility, smoothness or easiness experienced at different stages of development..
Of the same form as the condition at a particular stage of development or ultimately sameness with theDivine- an attainment after liberation.
Concentration on pure I-feeling.
Existence; satya: that which grants truth or existence. An attribute of the Ultimate Being.
The highest condition in the path of spirituality. The region where there is neither light nor darkness.
Attaining the union with the condition obtaining at a particular stage of development or ultimately with God.
The region of purity of Being. A state beyond Para Brahmanda. The top most condition of this is the region of Purity.
Sat sangh
Company of the Divine. More usually the meeting of people practicing the same path of Upasana/ Meditation.
Esteemed night. This occurs during the month of Ramzan. This is metaphysically used when one has the feeling of " I am God" in his spiritual journey.
Shagal Rabta
Meditation on the form of the Master
Peace. A condition of undisturbed state of mind. This state is had when the taunts and rebukes, fouling up and fisticuffs received from others flow down like water from the smooth surface of an inverted jar without causing any effect on it. The state of condition of balance- like a drop of water on the lotus leaf.
Sajjada Nashin
Spiritual representative of the Divine. The controlling agency. Rev. Babuji Maharaj is the personality now discharging this post for a millennia to come.
Shat- Sampatthi
One of the four means for acquisition of spiritual wisdom or realisation. The first two are Viveka and Vairagya.Acquisition of shat sampatthi consists of development of Sham, Dam, Uparati, Titiksha, Shraddha and Samadhan. The acquisition of these three means leads to development of Mumukshatva.
Proper moulding and regulation of the mind.
This is the 5th of the shat-sampatthis. It means faith in the Master. This is one of the highest spiritual stages and the faith here means unconditional confidence in the powers and capacity of the Master.
Good Conduct or virtue.
Thankfulness or Gratitude. To remain happy and contented under all circumstances. A stage above the condition of Ehsaan.
The powers attained by spiritual or occult practices or Attainment.
The five forms of mundane consciousness in Buddhist philosophy. Or the ingredients of the body.
Memory-Record of spiritual history remembered and transmitted from generation to generation. For example Dhruvanusmrti, Manusmrti etc., In meditation it means continuous and unbroken recollection of ideas and ideals specifically of the Master/God, even like the viscous oil- tailadhara-avicchinnavat.
Master Associate. The Master is one who is taken as ideal.Master Associate is one who would bring that ideal to ripening or fruition.
Sudarshan chakra
The Righteous wheel used by Lord Krishna to control evil and evil doers. A divine weapon. The wheel that shows the right path.
Subtle: the condition prior to the gross or sthula, as it were. The cause of the latter.
Sukshma Sarira
The Astral body. It is generally accepted that there are three bodies for every form of existence. The Sthoola (gross), the Sukshma (the Astral) and the Karan Sarira ( the Causal). All spiritual work is done either at the Sukshma or Karan Sarira.
Soul force. When thought comes into contact with soul, a third thing - a spark- is produced. This is termed as Surat.
The path of spirituality. Moderation which prevailed in human hearts and souls at the start. Moral behaviour.
The central nadi in the spinal or vertebral column through which Kundalini is said to ascend to the Sahasraara or descend from above to the Muladhara.
Deep sleep.
The plexus or centre or chakra at the region of the genitals.
Dream state. Illuminated by the imaginations of the mind wherein one experiences the manifold, experiences not inhibited by the senses of the gross nature.
The Heaven. The Heavenly region-brahmanda