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8. మకరము (Makaramu)


A person who can move in two planes namely the earthly plane and the watery plane. The earthly plane denotes the basic needs and drives. The watery plane denotes feelings and attachments. The crocodile is more stable in the watery plane. The crocodile is also symbolically denoted as samsara depicting low type of sensualities.

The story of Gajendra, the elephant king goes like this. He along with his queens enters a lake and enjoys playing with them. This denotes the state of a person lost in lust and mirth in Life. Badly disturbed by their noise, a crocodile living in the lake gets annoyed and catches the foot of Gajendra. Gajendra roars and tries to wriggle himself out of the clutches of the crocodile. Seeing his pitiable state, all his queens desert him to fend for himself. After a laborious struggle, the elephant cries to God for help who intervenes to kill the crocodile. This legend is meant to tell the truth that in unfavorable circumstances, it is only God who helps.